Second Opinion

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I pull away from Thomas. "I-we-we better-" I stutter. "We should probably go find Minho."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He says, leaning back. 

"I can't believe he's alive." I whisper. "I just can't believe it. He saved my life and he's alive. Thomas, I can't believe he's alive."

Thomas smiles at me. "I know."

My eyes start to sting with tears. I turn away from him, wiping at my eyes. Thomas gently takes my hand.

"Come on," He says quietly. "Let's go."

I stand. We sneak out of the room and into Minho's. He's still asleep. We walk to the edge of his bed.

"Minho?" I whisper. "Minho, wake up."

He squeezes his eyes shut. "Shut up, shuck-face."

I laugh in relief. "Oh my god!"

"How are you alive, Minho?" Thomas asks. 

"Long story, Thomas." He says, his eyes opening. "I'll tell you later."

Thomas opens his mouth to protest but I kick his ankle. He looks at me. 

"Newt, what the hell?" He says, chuckling slightly. 

"Okay, Minho, we'll go." I say, grabbing Thomas's hand. I drag him out of the room and back into mine. 

"Newt, I wanted to hear the story!" He cries. 

"We'll hear it later, Tommy." I say. "He's tired. And how are you doing? You fell off a bloody cliff."

"I'm..." He shakes his head. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "Because you have to have-"

He kisses me, cutting me off.

"I am fine." He says. 

I wrap my arms around his waist. "You promise?"

"I promise." he says.

"How is it that you never die, Tommy?" I ask. "You got the Flare, got shot, fell off a shucking cliff!"

"You." He says. "You're the reason. I couldn't leave you alone. I couldn't die knowing you'd be alone."

Tears start to run down my face. "I need you to not die. I need you to stay safe. I need you. Please, stay safe. Please." 

"I'll do my best." He says.

"No." I say. "That's not good enough. I need you to promise. I need you to promise me that you won't die."

He puts a hand on my cheek. "I promise." 

I sigh. "Thanks, Tommy. I love you."

"I love you too." He says. He kisses my nose. 

I laugh. 

Later, around ten pm, we sneak back into Minho's room. 

"Minho!" I hiss. "Wake up!"

He groans, pushing himself up. "It's the middle of the shucking night, slintheads."

"Please, Minho, we need to know how you're alive." I plead. 

Minho sighs. "Alright, shuck-face, I'll say it once and only once. Don't ask questions." He says, shooting a look at Thomas. "I was bleeding out, I'd stopped bleeding, you'd left, then someone found me. I don't know who it was but they nursed me back to health. They saved my life. They never showed their face. Then, they left me in the desert. And I became dehydrated. And then Thomas found me." He says. "Thanks, Greenie."

Thomas grins shyly at the nickname. "Anytime, Minho."

"Alright, now how are we gonna get out of this hell hole?" Minho asks. 

Thomas shifts. "That's the thing, we don't exactly know yet." 

Then, someone walks in. Dr. Goodman.

"Alright, let's go." He says, grabbing both Thomas and I by the shoulder. "You two get seperate rooms now."

"Don't you think that's just gonna make us want to break out more?" Thomas says. 

Dr. Goodman ignores his very true comment. He deposits Thomas in one room and leads me back to mine. 

"You try anything, kid, and I'll kill your little boyfriend." He spits as he leaves. 

I stand, shell-shocked as he slams the door in my face. I wonder if he'd really kill Thomas. I sink back onto my bed. I wish I had someway to talk to him. I sigh. I lay back, knowing I'll never get any sleep; not when I'm worried about Thomas. I look up at the ceiling. I do fall asleep, but for some reason, I dream in memories, or rather, fragments of memories.

Thomas coming up in the Box. Escaping the Maze. The Scorch. Escaping WICKED. Nearly dying. Pain. A lot of pain. It's mostly pain. But I remembered something new...

I wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, my heart's beating faster than I think it ever has. I realize I have tears on my cheeks. I bring a shaking hand to my cheek and wipe them away. I need Thomas. But if I go see him, Goodman'll kill him. I let out a sob. I need to get out of here. 

Then, someone walks in. It's a girl a few years younger than me. She's wearing a lab coat that comes down over her hands. She's also wearing dark blue scrubs that are way too big. She holds a clipboard. 

"Er, hi." I say shakily, attempting to hide my tears. 

"Why were you crying?" She asks.

"Wow, you really cut right to the point, huh?" I say. 

The girl shrugs. "Guess so." She looks down at her clipboard. "You're Newt, right?"

I nod. "Yeah. Who are you?" 

"I'm Olivia." She says, brushing a strand of dark, black hair out of her face. "I have to make sure you all are still here." She walks closer. "I heard you escaped earlier. Snuck into another room." 

I scoff. "Not that shucking hard."

"What?" She says. 

"What?" I say.

She shakes her head. "Nevermind." She shifts. "Well, you're here so..." She makes to leave.

"Wait, Olivia." I say. 

"What?" She asks.

"Have you been to see Thomas?" I ask. 

She checks her list. ""

I sigh. "Oh. Okay."

"Why?" She asks. 

"I just wanted to know if he's okay." I say.

She looks down and erases something. "This says I haven't been to see you either. I'll let you know how he is."

I smile. "Thanks."

"No problem." She says. "But don't leave this room, okay?"

"Okay." I say. "No problem. Not if I can know Thomas is safe."

She smiles. "Is he your boyfriend or something?"

I nod. "Yeah, I guess he is." 

She nods. "Okay, bye!" She says and shuts the door behind her.

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