Jump Into The Fog

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The next morning I wake freezing cold. But not the kind of cold like you've been outside too long, no. This is the kind that settles in your bones. The kind that starts with heat and just skips a stage. The kind that freezes you from the inside out. 

My head rests on Thomas's chest, his heart beating against my temple. I move closer to him, trying to soak up his heat. He shifts. 

"Newt, you up?" He asks. 

I open my mouth but my teeth chattering stops me from being able to talk much.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, sitting up and helping me sit up. 

"It's really b-bloody cold, Tommy." I say, shivering. 

He takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. "Alright, come here." He pulls me against him. "It's okay. You'll be alright."

"B-but if Ol-livia can't find a cure, I w-won't be." I say. 

Thomas kisses me gently. "You'll live." He says, but looks concerned. "Newt, I think you have a fever."

"No." I say. "I'm too cold to have a fever."

He puts his hand to my forehead. "Yup, you do. A rather bad one, actually."

"G-guess infection'll do that to you." I say, chuckling slightly. 

"Newt..." Thomas sighs. Then, Olivia walks in. 

"Okay, I have some antibiotics that should keep the infection at bay." She says, holding two green pills in her hands. 

I barely manage to swallow them, I'm shaking so hard. 

"Let me look at it." Olivia instructs. 

Thomas rolls up my sleeve, seeing as I'm shivering too hard to do much. Olivia removes the bandage. She tuts. 

"Okay, I better go find something and quickly." She says. 

She leaves and Minho walks in. 

"Hey, shanks." He says. "How you doin'?" 

Thomas gives Minho a look and his smile falls away. 

"You dying yet?" Minho asks, sitting down next to me.

"N-not yet." I say.

"You looking shucking awful." Minho reports.

"Gee, thanks." I say, rolling my eyes. 

"You know I didn't mean it like that." Minho says. He sighs, turning to Thomas. "You think Olivia will find a way?"

"Yes." Thomas says, pulling me closer. "Of course she will. Newt will live. Shut up." 

I wrap my arms around his neck. "Yeah." I say. 

Minho gives us a look. "Yeah, okay..." He gets up. "See you two shuck-faces later." 

The air bites at me, making me even colder. "Tommy, I'm not going to die, am I?"

"No." He says. "No, of course not." 

I nod. I bury my face in his neck. "Bloody hell, you're warm."

"So are you. Jesus christ." He says. 

"But I'm so cold!" I cry. 

Thomas kisses my head. "Mmm, I know. You'll feel better soon." 

"I just wanna sleep." I moan. 

"I know." He says. "But don't. I don't know if you'd wake up."

"Oh, real cheery Tommy." I say dryly. "Real bloody cheery. You know, when you're sick, you're supposed to sleep." 

"Not now, kay?" He says. 

"Then, let's do something." I say. 

"Mmm, lemme think." He says mockingly. "No. You shucking collapse when you try to stand, Newt! You think I'm gonna let you move?" 

I lean into him. "I guess not."

Then, Olivia comes in. 

"Okay, so..." She takes out a needle. "I'm not sure if this will work, but it's a solid plan. It'll take 24 hours to work so we gotta be patient." She kneels beside me. 

Ever since the Flare, I've developed a phobia of needles. I grab Thomas's hand tight. She inserts the needle into my blade. I wince. She pushes the top. 

"Okay done." She says, pulling away. 

A small drop of blood forms where she pricked me. I wipe it away aggressively. Thomas runs a hand up and down my arm. 

"Calm down, it's all right." He says. 

I kiss him. "You're perfect, you know that?"

He smiles. "I love you."

"Love you too." I mumble. The shot made me even more tired for some reason. "Now can I sleep?" I ask, eyes closing.

"Fine." He says, kissing my temple. 

I close my eyes, slipping into a world of dreams. 

I wake up to Olivia's face in mine. 


She giggles. "Sorry. I had to see how you were doing."

I rub my forehead. "Shitty."

"But..." She coaxes. 

"Better, I guess." I say, my voice slightly raspy. "Not a whole lot better, but a bit." 

Olivia sighs. "I'll go get Thomas. He's been really anxious. I told him to let you be though." 

I push myself upright. My arm feels so much better. And I'm not cold. Thomas walks in. 

"Newt, oh my god." He says. He helps me to my feet and hugs me tight. "I thought you might die."

"No way." I say into his ear. "Do I ever?" 

"I guess not." He says. "But you only die once." 

I laugh. 

"God, I missed that sound." He says, his breath brushing my ear. 

"Okay, Thomas, I need him." Olivia says. "Still got a few more things to do."

Thomas lets go of me and helps me sit back down. I let Olivia examine my arm.

She claps her hands. "Ugh, yay! So much better. I bet we could go back to traveling tomorrow, if we take it easy." 

I grin. "That's bloody fabulous!" 

Thomas laughs. 

"Alright, let's see if you can stand." Olivia says.

I do and I manage, but my legs are still a little shaky.

"Now, walk to Thomas." Olivia instructs. 

I do, but immediately fall into his arms. 

"Kay, we'll need to work on that." She says. "I'll be back in an hour."

I look up at Thomas. "Thanks." I say.

"For what?" He asks. 

"Everything." I say. 

I kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"I'd be dead so many times over without you." I say.

"So would I." He says. 

"I doubt we'd be in half of these predicaments without each other." I say. 

Thomas laughs. "True. But I love you."

"I love you too." I say. "Told you I wouldn't die."

"You did."

A/N: What?! I ended a chapter HAPPY!? I guess so. love y'all. 

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