Break On Through

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Finally, finally, we reach the place Olivia is taking us. When we get there, a girl around Olivia's age runs over and hugs her. 

"LIVVY!" The girls says.

"Mia!" Olivia says, hugging the girl back. "Guys," She says. "This is Mia. She's my best friend." Mia waves. "Mia, this is Newt, Thomas, Minho, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Jorge and Brenda." She says, pointing at each of us. "We came here for some help."

Mia nods. "Alright, you guys wait here. Livvy, come tell us exactly what you need."

Olivia walks away with the strange girl and we stand still until a sharp man walks over to us. 

"Hello." He says. 

I wave shyly. Thomas shifts. 

"Right, well, come this way. You can wait in the main area." He says. "I'm Dr. Thorpe." He leads us a large clearing with dozens of seats and people. 

"Doctor?" I question.

"I used to be." He says, a slight shift in his stature. "I still use the title."

I nod. He walks away, leaving us with about one hundred strange people. I grab Thomas's hand, anxious. 

Three people, one boy and two girls, that look to be around sixteen or seventeen, walk up to us. 

"Hello." The boy says. "Who are you?"

"I'm Newt," I say. 

The boy flashes a smile. "I'm Edward. Eddie." He says. "This is Charlotte and Courtney."

I nod. I shake his hand. "Right, well, we're kind of confused. We're friends with Olivia and we're not exactly sure what this place is."

Eddie nods. "We call it Orion's Belt."

"Why?" Thomas asks. 

Eddie gives a sly grin. "Well, that's a question only Steve can answer."

"Steve?" Minho scoffs. 

Charlotte folds her arms across her chest, sweeping some dark brown hair over her shoulder. "Yes. Who even are you?" She spits.

"Minho." He says. "And I think I-"

"Minho, stop." I say gently. 

He shoots the girl a glare but nods. 

"Who is Steve?" Thomas cuts in. 

The other girl answers. "Well, he's...sort of a leader. But not exactly."

"Great," Thomas says. "Real specific."

"Tommy, it's alright." I say.

He nods. "Right. Right."

"I don't think Steve needs to matter to you guys anyway." Eddie says. The boy runs a hand through his pale brown hair. 

Then, Olivia runs over. "GUYS!" She shouts. "GUYS!" She reaches us. "Okay, Steve agreed. Oh, you don't know who that is."

"No. Well, kind of." I say. "Just get on with it."

"Steve agreed." She repeats. "He said to take 100 people. That he trusts me."

"98." I correct, grinning.

"98." She nods.

Our little group and one hundred others sit around, waiting for the plane from IMAT. 

"Tommy?" I say quietly. 

"Yeah?" He says, turning to look at me. 

"We did it." I say, a smile spreading across my face. "And we didn't die."

Thomas smiles back. "I know."

I lean over and kiss him. "I really can't believe it."

"We still have to get back to IMAT." He says.

I wave my hand. "Yeah, but that's a piece of cake."

Then, as if on cue, the plane arrives. We walk in, but Eddie lingers, standing on the stairway.

I look at him. "Eddie?"

He gives me a slight smile. "Hey,"

"You okay?" I ask.

He nods. "Fine. Just a little nervous."

I reach out and squeeze his arm. "Yeah. I get it."

He sighs. "Okay. I'm ready."

And we walk onto the plane.

When we arrive at IMAT, we're sent to two different rooms. One for boys, one for girls. Then, Cristina walks in. 

"Hello," She says. "The tests will start tomorrow." She informs us. "Until then, rest. Heal. We never meant for any of that to happen." And she leaves.

I lay back on a bed, every single muscle in my body aching. I groan.

Thomas smiles, lying down next to me. 

"I am so glad we're back here." I say, grabbing his hand. 

"I know." He whispers. "So am I."

"We can go back to the Safe Haven after the tests." I say.

"If they're ever done with the tests." Thomas says.

"Hey," I say. "They aren't WICKED, okay?"

Thomas nods. "Mhm. I know." He kisses me gently. "I'm just scared."

"Me too." I whisper. 

"Let's worry about that tomorrow." He says. "Let's just sleep."

I nod. "Gladly."

And we fall asleep, not worried for our safety for the first time in weeks. 

A/N: -inhuman shriek- OMG I DID IT AGAIN!!!! Okay, whoo. Right, well, look out for the fourth one because I just can't stop writing things apparently. Also, newtmas. Okay that's all. Thanks for reading, ya'll!

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