Ch. 1 : "Clyde Drakken"

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So, I've been hyped to put this up. Sorry if it sucks, but I thought it'd be a good idea and I had a few good ideas for this so enjoy maybe?

RWBY (Rooster Teeth)

Pyrrha Nikos

"Alright, class, now I want you all to be very aware of what today is. Can anyone tell me which day it is today?" asked Miss Glynda.

"Ummm, Monday?" answered Cardin.

"No. It seems I mis-worded my question. Would anyone INTELLIGENT care to answer?" Miss Glynda joked. She was greeted with a wave of laughter.

Oh what the hell. Might as well raise my hand, right?

"Ah, miss Nikos. The only student besides Miss Blake to answer a question. Well, what is your answer?" Miss Glynda asked me.

"Today's the day where a student who has had the highest score in all of Vale history's will be permanently joining our class, right miss Glynda?" I answered.

"Well, someone was paying attention during class yesterday. Correct. Today, the student named 'Clyde Drakken' will be will be joining us."

"Clyde Drakken? Sounds dorky" Cardin said aloud.

"Says 'Cardin'"Yang countered. Another wave of laughter sounded from the seats. And then someone came up and whispered in miss Glynda's ear.

"Alright class, I have just been informed that the exchange student is here. Please be on your best behavior. Ardin I'm talking to you." Miss Glynda said as she gestured. Towards the door.

" H-hi." Said the new student. " My names Clyde. Clyde 'Pyros' Drakken. Ask me anything you like"

"What kind of 'Dirty Secrets' do you have?" Asked Cardin.

"Define 'Dirty'."

"What do you not want anyone to know?"

"Is he always like this, aunt Glynda?" Clyde asked miss Glynda.

"Aunt!?" Said a few kids in the class.

"Yes. What you have just heard is true. Clyde is my nephew. And Clyde, yes, he is."

" OK, well, to answer your question, no. I'm an open book." Clyde said immediately right after the answer.

"What's your weapon?" Asked Ruby.

"I prefer to use a sword and retractable shield, but in times of need I use this:" Clyde said While pulling out a bag from behind him. From the bag, Clyde pulled out a scythe with blue flame markings, A long, sharp dual-sided blade, and it could retract into a smaller, much more manageable staff.

"Ooooo" and "Ahhhhh" rang out from several students.

"You're a scythe user!?" Ruby exclaimed.

"Earlier, you said a retractable shield? SHOW ME IT!!!" Asked (shouted) Yang.

"Uh, ok?" Clyde said as he pulled out the shield. It also had markings, but the markings were green and mor e wind like.

"So, what can it do?" Ruby asked.

"This." Clyde said as he threw it into the desk space of Cardin. Then, with a small tug, the shield returned to him.

Wow. Even I didn't think that's what he meant when he said retractable.

"Hey! What was that for!?" Cardin said, jumping out of his seat. His teammates, Russell, Dove, and Sky jumped up as well.

"Miss Glynda, may I challenge the newcomer?!" Cardin asked.

"Well, I hardly believe that Clyde is rea-"

"I accept. And your gonna need your teammates for this. I don't want to make it too one-sided." Clyde taunted.

"Why you...." Cardin seethed.

"Well, this should be a slaughter fest." Miss Glynda said as she smiled mischievously.

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