Ch.9 : "The Dance"

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Just So You Guys Know, I ship Ruby X Jaune. OK!? DONT HATE ME PLEASE!?!?!?!? P.S. I Am A Boy

On another note, this is officially my most viewed story! 40 views ahead of the other books I have. Awesome! Thanks guys! Comment and Vote if you want. Any feedback is appreciated.


Clyde (1st)

"Clyde!" Ruby shouted at me as we walked to the dance. I signaled to Xander and Pyrrha to go so that me and Ruby wouldn't 4 wheel his chat.

"Yeah, Ruby?" I asked her once the couple walked away.
"Who are you taking to the dance?" She asked me.
"Yang didn't tell you?"

"Tell me? Tell me what?" she asked me with an extremely curious face.

"Nothing. You'll find out at the dance."

"TELLL MEHHHHH!!' she shouted while shaking my arm.

"You'll find out at the dance." I kept repeating whenever she asked me. Then, I walked into someone. Ruby froze.

"Hi.....Jaune." Jaune then noticed Ruby holding my arm.

"Are-are you two going to the dance together?"

"WHAT." Ruby shouted while jumping backwards and finally letting go of my arm.

"No, we're not. The girl I'm going with is already there." I answered while laughing with Ruby.

"Oh. Well, guess I'll see you guys there then." Jaune said as he walked off in another direction. He seemed.....distant. Not focusing on anything in particular.

"He asked Weiss to the dance. She said no and then he saw her ask Neptune." Ruby explained.

"Oooohhh. That's gotta hurt." I said as we approached the area where the dance was being held.


"Speaking of the dance, are you going with anyone?" I asked her.

"Oh....umm..... no. I'm going by myself." Ruby said with a light blush while staring down at the rocks near us.

"Maybe you should go to the dance with Jaune." I suggested.

"W-with Jaune!? No Way!" Then, Ruby began whispering to herself. "Besides, he's head over heels for Weiss."

-5 Minutes Later- Clyde and Ruby Just Arrived At The Dance

"Oh. My. God. You look SOOO CUUUUTE!" I heard Yang shout when she saw Ruby. The, she saw me.

"Clyde! You look......" Yang started. She was looking at my suit, then started looking me up and down.

"Uhhhhh,,,,,,is something wrong?" I asked her. Then, she blushed like hell.

"No, No! You look great! It's just..."

"Just what?" She smirked like she had something dirty on her mind.

Note To Slef: Don't Give Yang Any Chances To Think Dirty. That's Your Job.

"It's just that I didn't think you'd look this cute in a suit." she said with a dirty look.

"Thanks. Wanna dance or do you still have things to do?"

"Not yet. I have to wait for the other guests to show up. Oh, by the way, can you talk to Ruby? She seems kind of lonely."

"Yeah. I'll see if i can get a good song for our dance too." I said with a wink.

"Lookin forward to it!" She said while winking back. Oh the times we might have.

-5 Minutes Later-
I finally convinced the DJ to play a good song. It was one that I danced to before and knew that I could teach Yang to dance to easily if she didnt know how to dance to it. Because of this, I wasn't able to talk to Ruby. Although, I thought I saw her walk out of the room with her weapon in hand.

When the song started playing, it was a different song. It was a slow song.

"Ooohhhh, I love this song! Come one, Clyde!" Yang said while pulling me to the dance floor.

"O-ok." I answered while nearly tripping. For some reason, the DJ had changed the song. Yang pulled me to her and we started dancing.

"Wow. Your good at dancing." This made me blush.

"Yeah, well I sorta taught my older sister to dance." I said, nearly making us trip over each other. Did I say nearly? I meant we did. She landed on top of me with my back against the floor.

"Oh! Sorry Clyde!" She said quickly while getting up and offering me a hand. I gladly took because when we fell her knee had hit my "area".

"Something wrong?" She asked me later on that night when the dance had ended.

"Oh, it's just that you kneed me pretty hard in the "area" earlier when we fell."

"OMG. IM SO SORRY!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" She shouted at me.

"Haha. It's fine." I said.

Then, I remembered what tomorrow was.

"We have our first mission tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah. I have a feeling it's not gonna be pretty."

"Soooo, it's not gonna be like Yang?" I asked mischievously. I was greeted by a gigantic blush from her.

"I guess you could say that. But it's also something else." Then, she told me about why Blake exploded about the dance earlier, why Blake had bags under her eyes, and why Tomorrow wasn't gonna be pretty. And man, did it not sound pretty.

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