Ch.16 : "Rise Of The Second"

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A/N Paige is TheNeopolitan from the original series.

Clyde (1st)

I was standing there, not believing what I was seeing.

"Paige.....your....your alive?" I whispered to myself. She was smirking while fighting Yang. Although I don't know why, this terrified me.Usually, Yang would win this fight, but something told me otherwise. Yang wasn't landing any hits. And I knew why. Paige was faster than Yang. But more than that, someone had given Paige hover boots. Hover boots activated on will. By pouring your aoura into your feet, you could either jump back extremely fast or hover in mid-air.

Then, Paige spotted me. The cocky smirk that terrified me disappeared as she too stood still with shock. Yang noticed this and turned around.

"Oh, hi Clyde. Just give me a second, I'll be done here shortly." She said as she raised her arm. Sprinting, I left forward and caught her arm just as she was about to fire a blast from her gauntlets, Ember Cecilia.

"Yang, go help the others." I said while gripping her arm.

Yang (1st)
"Yang. Go help the others." Clyde said as he gripped my arm.

"What?! Why?!" I asked him. I wanted to keep on fighting the girl. Even though I didn't land even one hit on her, I wanted to be the one to beat her.

"Just go. Please." He said while gripping my arm even tighter. He refused to look at me.

"No! I'm not going! I'm going to stay and beat this girl!" I protested.

"Please." Clyde responded, but more quiet. His voice was shaking, as if he was about to cry. When I finally caught a look at his eyes, they were the deep blue that his eyes took the color of when he was sad. He looked as if he was on the verge of tears.

"Fine. But beat this chick for me." I said as I ran forward and left.

Clyde (1st)
"Who are you?" Paige asked me. That broke my heart instantly.

"You.... Don't remember me?" I asked her, wiping my tears away.

"You seem familiar....... But, even though I feel like I might know you, I still have to kill you. Roman's orders." She said. The cocky yet terrifying smirk returned. Roman knew about Paige?! Then why did he taunt me about her earlier!?

"Paige, I'm not going to fi-" I started before I was interrupted. Ducking down, I evaded her blade that she had pulled out of the umbrella.

"Who's Paige?" She asked me while attempting to swing at me.

"You." I said as I put my scythe back into its staff form and putting it into the sheath attached to my back. (Think of a swordsman putting his sword back in its holder on his back.)

My last sentence made her stop. She stared at me with blank eyes. The smirk disappeared. My back was now to the door that Yang had run out of earlier when I begged her to run.

"Paige, I won't fight you." I said as I prepared the hardest decision I'd ever have to make. "If you truly don't remember me, then kill me. At the very least I'll know your happy after I pass on."

I closed my eyes and waited for the blade to pierce my heart. I could feel a swift movement, but then nothing. All I could hear was the sound of her breathing. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the tip of her blade was almost at my heart. I looked at her and was surprised. Her old eyes had returned. Not the pale blue eyes that she had on earlier, but the beautiful full-on blue eyes she had when we were still on team PAJE.

"Clyde?" She asked me, quietly.

"It's me, Paige." I answered her. Then, a flash of gray and green hit me head-on. I got knocked back into the door behind me. When I looked up to see my attackers, I began whimpering.

"Jacob? Alison? What are-"

"Ok, first off, my name's Emerald. Second, gray face over here is Mercury. And third, Neo's name isn't Paige." The green haired girl stated before telling Neo to teleport them to Cinder. Who's Cinder?

And with that, they were gone. Once again, my teammates are taken from. Right in front of my eyes. Only this time, I knew that they were alive.

"Why are they alive!?" I asked myself after I had gotten back to my feet. I could feel tears streaming down my face. Suddenly, SHE took control of my body. I could feel flames begin from around me. My sword, Flame Striker, lit itself. I could feel myself losing control. The tears evaporated and before I knew it, she had complete control over my body. My second personality had taken over.

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