Ch.10 : "The Day Clyde Dreads"

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Clyde (1st)

-The Next Day-
After what seemed like an eternity, the call to go down to the mission room was made. On our way down to the room, team RWBY was eccentric. Energy was radiating from the 4. Meanwhile, I'm in the back of them talking to myself in my head. Great. Then again, today was the day I had dreaded the most. Today was the day that-

"Clyyyyyyyyddddeeeeee!!!!" Ruby's eccentric voice shouted out from down the hall, near the entrance to the mission room. Her shouting shattered me from my thoughts. When did they get so far away? How long had I been talking to myself? "Clyde, hurry up! You heard miss Goodwinch! We'll miss all the good jobs!"

"Ruby. I told him what we we're going to do." Yang told her sister while patting her shoulder.

"Oh. Never mind, Clyde!" Ruby said while waving to get my attention.

I soon got lost in my thoughts as I walked.

Why did the talk with Grandma feel so weird? Why did the DJ change songs at the last second? What on earth about me could attract the beautiful Yang? I am some-what social but I prefer to be by myself. My red hair stands out, showing unattractiveness. People talk behind my back., but the. Again that is expected.

Then, a voice began playing in my head.

"Why did you have to kill those innocent people? You knew there was something weird about the job, and yet you believed Paige and Jake's words. You went along with it, thinking it was just a regular job. But then, you killed those people. Those innocent people, who all had families waiting for them to return." An image played in my head of the scene. Flames were everywhere. Smoke was clogging my breathing. I began coughing. When I looked down, blood stained my clothes. The once white t-shirt was now covered in a mixture of blood and sweat from the heat. Suddenly, I noticed that someone was slowly backing away from me. He was on the ground, sliding along the floor. Blood was trailing behind him.

"No! No, please! I have children to get home to!" The man shouted at me. This made me hesitate. Then, I remembered what the employer had told me. The murders this man committed, the crimes he had participated in.

"Please! I-I made a promise to return to my family! I haven't seen them in 7 years! Adam Drakken promised me this would be my last job!" The man shouted while facing me, still on his back using his elbows for support.

"Adam......Drakken?" I asked him. Then, I brought my spear up and said to him the last words he would hear.

"Adam Drakken is dead." His blood spilled over the walls.

"Clyde? Are you ok?" Asked a soft feminine voice. When I came to, I realized I was on the ground, in the middle of the hallway. My knees were underneath me, providing support. My hands were covering my ears as if something had rang out and hurt my ears. Yang was beside me, along with the rest of my team circling like vultures and the school nurse next to me. The school nurse had asked me if I was ok.

"I-I-I-. I'm fine. Just an anxiety attack." I bluffed. I got back up, dusting the dirt that had been attached to my jeans.

"Are you sure? If you have another anxiety attack during a mission, you'll end up putting yourselves in trouble." The nurse told me.

"I'll be fine. It only happens every once in a while." I answered, telling the truth. The attacks only happened today. Today was April 6th, and that mean that today was-

"Clyde, I want you to not go on the mission today. Stay back and meet me in my office in thirty minutes for a sanity test." The nurse told me while walking away on her heels.

"Come on. We got a mission to do." I said to my teammates.

"Uuuh, Clyde? Didn't she just ask you to stay?" Ruby pointed out.

"Yeah, Clyde. You should stay. Being emotionally unstable like what you just did is not safe when on a mission." Blake said.

"Oh, just stay! We're wasting time!" Weiss shouted impatiently while throwing up her arms.

"I. Don't. Care." I answered her simply and with a glare. And just like that, we walked into the mission room.

That vision I had.........did I really kill those people on the same day my mother died, three years after?

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