Ch.19 : "The Hopeful Beep"

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It had been 2 days since Yang had gotten Clyde to come to his senses. Clyde was put in a coma. He still hadn't woken up. Most teams were still on their missions so school wasn't in session.

"When are you going to wake up?" Yang asked the sleeping Clyde. Clyde was hooked up to a machine. It was meant to help him breathe properly. Why was he hooked up to the machine? On the first night after he was brought in, he started having a seizure. The doctors soon found out that Clyde's lung were crushed. Thankfully, Clyde was allowed to keep his clothes on and not wear the patients dress or whatever it was called. He would only wear it during operations. (A female would change him.) The occasional beep would sound from Clyde's heart monitor.

"Yang! The doc told me to tell you visiting hours are over!" Ruby said as she walked into the room.

"Ok then." Yang said as she stood up and walked out of the room. It was 8:30 p.m.

-Somewhere Else-
(Still 3rd POV)

A window is broken. Someone sneaks in through the glass and makes no noise. The intruder is holding a knife covered in blood. Where was this? Beacon Academy. Which room? Team JNPR's.

Xander walks in looking for Pyrrha. Instead, he finds a black hooded figure standing with a knife. The figure looked to be a woman wearing a dress on and had pale skin.

"You should check up on Clyde." The voice spoke.

"What did you do?!" Xander asked her.

"Go to him. It won't be long now." The figure said before collapsing. Xander launched forward and realized that the figure was also bleeding. Removing the figures hood, he found an unexpected surprise.

"Paige!?" Xander exclaimed. (Xander also went to Cardinal. And for those of you who want to know, Xander is the same age as Clyde) Xander immediately picked up Paige and ran to the infirmary. Once she was checked in, Xander ran to the hospital where Clyde was at.

-The Hospital- 4 minutes later.

Xander ran to the front of the building. Everything seemed the same outside. When he walked in, doctors lay dead every where. The white tiles , walls, and the roof were stained with blood. Xander ran all the way down the hall, to the left and opened Clyde's door. What he found was Yang. Yang with blood covered fists. Near her were four assassins. All were either dead or about to be. Clyde's bed was stained. But that wasn't scary. What was scary was that Clyde's heart monitor wasn't beeping.

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