Ch.2 : "The Challenge"

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RWBY (By Rooster Teeth)
‪#‎RoosterTeeth‬ ‪#‎RWBY‬

"You all know the rules, I assume?" Aunt Glynda asked the five of us.

"The fight stops when the other team's aurora is in the red, yada yada yada doohickey. Can we start now?" Cardin answered, somewhat annoyed.

"Clyde, Cardin NEVER listens in class. Maybe he'll listen to a slaughter fest." Aunt Glyde hinted.

"Hey! Don't hold back. I want to beat you at your best! Pull out the scythe." Cardin taunted.

"......fine. Your funeral. But just remember," I said while pulling the scythe out. "You asked for this hell."

"That thing looks huger up close." Dove said, his bronze sword shaking in his hands.

"Stay calm! It's 4 vs 1! We have the advantage!" Cardin tried reassuring his teammates.

"And yet, they still couldn't beat me." Pyrrha said while crossing her arms.

"Just so you know," I said as I stuck the my scythe into the ground then launched myself forward at amazing speed. "The scythe's name is Sapphire Slash."

Suddenly, Dove was knocked into the wall. His aurora was in the red immediately.

"What!?" Cardin said while turning around. When he turned around, everyone of his teammates were unconscious.

"Still want me to use Sapphire Slash?" I asked.

"Don't taunt me!" Cardin shouted while charging. In less than a second, he was launched back into the wall from my shield.

"What was that?" Weiss gawked.

"Awesome..." Ruby said, her eyes dazzled by the action.

"Whoa..." Yang commented. Suddenly, a hyper-active girl jumped down onto the sparring grounds and started bombarding me with questions.

"Do you have a gun? How'd you make it? Did you make it? Why are you transferring to our school? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Oh god. Why, of all the questions she could've asked, why did it have to be THAT one?!

"I..... Used to." I said while looking to the side.

"Well, class. I think that's enough for today. Nora, can you take your seat and wait for the bell?" Aunt Glynda asked.

"OK!" She answered. Then, she was back in her seat.

"Now. class, what did you learn from Clyde's battle?" Aunt Glynda asked the class.

"Don't get distracted."
"Don't taunt?"
"Don't stare at scythes."
"Don't let yourself get launched into a wall."


"And that's the bell. Class, I'll see you tomorrow. Cardin's team, stay back for your punishment." Aunt Glynda commanded.

"Attention, all first year students. Please go to the launching area near the Emerald Forest. Clyde and Xander Drakken please report there as well." Professor Ozpin's voice rang out.

"Well. Seems Professor Ozpin's has something interesting going on."

-10 Monutes Later-
"Clyde. You and your cousin Xander will be going through the Emerald Forest. Unlike with the other firstyears, you and Xander will not be teaming. You can meet up if you like, but remember there are ancient artifacts that you two must return. Your decision on which artifact to bring back will determine your grade." Professor Ozpin's told me and Xander. Xander's weapon was a blue spear. On his belt, he usually carried two blades but today he carried two grenades.

"Ready?" Professor Ozpin asked us before we were launched.

"Hey, Xander? We teaming?" I asked in midair. I wasn't sure if he heard me until he answered.

"He said we didn't have to, but we can if you want."

"Why not?" I smiled at him. "Been a long time since this happened, eh?"

"Ever since Cardinal academy, right?"

"Right......" Was my answer. I didn't want to think about Cardinal. Not today...... Not now......

And then I saw it. A stone monument. Something told me that that was the place. Maybe it was the chess pieces on the pedestals. The only problem was that we were flying right over it.

"You saw that, right?" Xander asked me in midair.

"The monument? Yeah."

"I wasn't talking about that. I was talking about THAT" he said while gesturing towards something in front of us. Then, a gigantic claw knocked me out of the sky and unconscious into a tree. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was

"How the fuck did i not notice that?"

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