Ch.14 : "Facing Your Problems"

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Clyde (1st)

"Clyde, he's lying, right?" Ruby asked me. "RIGHT?!" She pried even further.

"He's not......" I said, glancing to my side. Suddenly, Roman fired at me. His blast hit me head on, sending me into the wall 30 feet behind me. Thanks to my semblence, I was unhurt.

"Now Clydey, I have a proposal. Either you leave and tell your group Ruby died and was eaten completely or I blow her head off." Roman said with no malice in his heart.

I looked to Ruby. She nodded her head.

"I'll leave. But what makes you so sure I won't tell them what really happened?" I challenged.

"I'm going to have two Faunus follow you. They will relay your decision. If you choose the latter, I'll kill her." Roman said while pointing the gun at Ruby.

"Fine." I said while pulling my shield and using it to grapple out (Yes, Clyde uses his shield as a grapple).

"Follow him." Roman's voice echoed behind me.

The two followed me but not too closely. I led them to an area where they would have to stay close or else risk losing me. When they were close enough, I turned around and knocked one out with my shield-grapple, KO ( That's the name of the shield) while throwing my sword, Flame Striker, at the other.

Roman's voice rang out from the communicator.

"Flasco! Brunhilda! Did he report the girl yet!?"

I cleared my throat and answered in a deep voice.

"Yes sir. He just told them. Do you want us to return to base or stay near the group?"

"Stay near them." Was his answer to my fake voice.

"Roger." I hung up and left back to the hole. Luckily, I knew where it was. When I got there, my team and Oobleck was there.

"Clyde! Where's Ruby!?" Yang asked, frantically.

"She's down there." I answered hesitantly. I didn't want them to know about the murders. I wanted to put that behind me......

After a few seconds, I caved in and told them about my murders.

"I can understand if you guys hate me." I told them after.

"Now now, Clyde. That was in the past. What we need to do is focus on the present. Ruby is down there, probably being tortured. We need to get her out of there and put a stop to the White Fang's and Roman's plans. Sometimes, we need to face our fears instead of run away from them." Oobleck stated. The look on his face told me that he knew about my original heritage. And why I have to wear an armored back.

"How'd you know?" I whispered so that only he knew.

"I have worked with many Faunus before. I think I'll notice when one is my student." Oobleck whispered back.

"That's awfully weird for s history teacher to say." Weiss said, not hearing our whispered conversation.
And then, we jumped back into the hole to find Ruby. I wonder what other surprises God had in store for me. Whatever God had in store for me, I'd face them. I wouldn't run away. Not again.

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