Ch.5 : "The Claws Of Doom" Pt.2

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When I came to, I was in a hospital. I was completely healed. How long had I been out? My room was completely white, except the curtains separating me and the person next to me. The curtains were stained red. When I opened them, Paige's mom was sitting in a chair, holding Paige's hand. Paige's mom was crying. In a second, I understood. Paige had died.

"Oh?" Paige's mom as she suddenly noticed me.
"How long ago?" I asked, my voice quivering.
"30 minutes ago. She died after she used her semblance on you." Her mother answered.

"Her- semblance?!?!" I thought to myself. Then, a white light began eminating from Paige. Soon, the white light covered me and then dissolved.

"What was that?" Paige's mom asked me.

"I don't know. It's been happening lately." I answered as I thought back to when Alison and Jake's bodies had done the same thing.
Then, my body began shaking. Like a ghost was shaking me.
"Clyde, wake up!" Yang shouted at me.

"What?!?!" I asked, popping up.

"Xander told me to- no wait. Xander YELLED at me to get you. He said to tell you your late, or something like that." Then, I looked at the clock and noticed it said 12:30.

"Oh shit!" I shouted as I got up and ran to where Xander was waiting.
Behind me, as I rushed out of the room,vi heard Yang whisper to herself " Geez. What's up with his eyes?"
As I ran, my whole body ached. I did my best to keep running, but my leg wouldn't allow it. The part closest to my stomach was in pain as I walked my way to the outside sparring grounds.
"Took ya long enough. What, were you doing?" Xander asked me. Then, he noticed something. "Did you...have the dream again?"
"More like a nightmare. How'd you guess?" I asked.
"Your eyes are blue." My hand immediately shot up to my eye.

"Well, that aside, you ready?" Xander asked me as he pulled out his spear. I noticed that there was a slight wind current in the air.
"Air....current?" I thought to myself. "Did he...."

I pulled my scythe and charged. This was our midnight sparring session we had planned.

-10 Minutes Later-
"Put the Sapphire Slash away." Xander ordered. I was on the ground, using the scythe as a cane.

"Why?" I asked.
"The way you use the scythe causes your body to need fast movements and it needs you to be in top condition to handle it's weight."
"I am in top condition." I answered while slowly getting up from the ground.
"Your body disagrees with you. Even your mind thinks you need rest!"
"HOW DOES MY MIND NEED REST?!?!?!" I shouted. He had crossed the line with that one.
"The fact that you had that dream means that your mind is telling you something. Get better soon so that the next time something happens like that you'll be able to stop it."
"Sh-shut up." I said while staring at a rock to my side. I didn't want to talk about the incident...... The one incident where everyone else on team PAJE died. Alison, Jake, Paige........

"Well, think it's late enough. Wanna go back to the room and call it a night?" Xander asked me after seeing my expression.

"Yeah.....sure...." I answered, having lost interest.
-10 Minutes Later-
The Room, Clyde (1st)
"Hey, Xander?" I asked the dark ceiling.
"What?" Came the groggy response.
"Why'd you send Yang to get me?"
"Uhhhhh. Ehhhh. Ugh he.he.he.he. Yeah, about that....."
"Pyrrha and I sorta..." He stuttered.
"What does Pyrrha have to do with Yang?"
"Pyrrha and I are dating."
"Great. Now why did Yang come and wake me?"
"What? How is that-"
"She was being a third wheel."

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