Ch.18 : "The Battle Within"

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Clyde's POV

I was trapped in a dark room with no doors. Suddenly, a window opened and I could see my body. It was covered in flames and attacking any and everything. I had failed. I couldn't get my body back. Suddenly, red chains appeared and began pulling to the floor.

"Give in...... Give in........" My sister's voice echoed. The chains pulled harder. I pulled even harder as well.

"Sh-shut up!" I shouted while trying to pull myself up from my knee.

"You're becoming weaker by the second. Give in...... Give in......" Her voice continued. She was right. I could feel it. My strength was disappearing. It seemed that the more strength I lost the more she gained. I could see my body becoming more powerful as signaled by the increase in flames.

"You......lose." My sister's voice said as my knuckles touched the ground and I lost completely.

Yang's POV

I could hear the rampage going on. His power was growing. Did Clyde really have this much power?

"Dammit Clyde. Just give me a second." I whispered to myself as I ran forward running towards the rampant red head that was my beloved teammate.


Clyde's POV

"You lose little brother. That means I get your body." My sister's voice chanted.

"D-dammit." I said as my vision faded.

"Bye bye little brother." My sister's sweet voice chanted. Sweet? At this point, she was anything but sweet.

My vision was disappearing.

"Now, you no longer have control. When your vision fades completely, you lose your soul as well." My sister shouted.

My eyes were at the point of blackness.

"Bye-bye Clydey!"

"See Ya sis." I said weekly. Everything went black and I lost control of my body and soul. Until I heard something. Someone was calling my name.

"Clyde! You have to stop!" The voice commanded. It sounded warped in a way. "Please Clyde, you're hurting innocent people!" The voice begged. I suddenly found the strength to open my eyes. I saw the person standing in front of me. Yang. Her mouth set in a straight line and her eyes filled with determination. She would either get me back or die trying. Literally.

"Who is she? How about I kill her?" My sister's voice had echoed through my mind.

"Don't." Was my weak answer.

"WHAT!?!?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?!?!" My sister shouted at me.

"Don't. Ever. Touch. Her." I said intensely.

"Who says I don't have to? I'm in control of your body now." Her voice responded.

"I do." I said as I pulled on the red chains. With all of my remaining strength, I pulled myself free from the chains, shattering them.

"What!? How did y-"

"I am not your body slave. You aren't my sister. This is about to end." I proclaimed. Soon, the presence in my soul left. I could feel it. I was once again in control of my body. But something was wrong. It felt like something else was in my soul. Something powerful. Something fierce. Something....... Grimm-like.

"Clyde?" Yang asked me with curiosity in her voice. I felt very weak. Then, all was black. The last thing I remember seeing was Yang's face stained with tears and something she said.

"Your back." I fell into her arms as she caught me mid-fall.

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