Season 3 Ch.3 : "The Job"

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3rd POV

Yang was sleeping when an alarm clock rudely awakened her.

"Ughhhh...." Yang grumbled as she awoke and realized she was alone in the dorm room. Where could her teammates have gone? Not caring, she got up, properly dressed herself in her attire of a low-cut shirt covered by a brown vest with dark linings. Fixing her hair, she thought to herself : "Today's the first day of dual missions....."

WHo should she take as her partner? Ruby was the most probable choice. Weiss was extremely skilled but extremely impatient. Blake was the only other choice and Yang didn't want to have any awkward moments with her. Guess it was Ruby.

When Yang walked into the assigning department, she recieved many stares and glares. Apparently, no one had thought that she would actually show up, let alone the first day. Yang walked along the wall of digital missions at the ready. One caught her eye in particular. It was a find-and-retrieve mission. It was a dual mission and Yang wanted to start on an easy solo mission to get herself back into shape. Deciding it was best not to go on aa dual mission yet, Yang skipped it and walked on. Seeing no good jobs that paid highly, Yang walked back to her previously discussed job.

"Oh. My. GOD. IS THAT CLYDE DRAKKEN!?" a female student shouted out. Yang began sprinting to where she heard the shouting from. It was the job she had skipped earlier and was coming back to. Grabbing her card, she violently shoved her acceptance card into the slot until she nearly broke the machine. The words "Job Taken" appeared in scratchy fashion and, in her fury, Yang almost punched the screen.

"Miss Long. Please come with me." asked a male attendant. Following the attendant, Yang found herself in Ozpin's office. The sound of peeing came from his personal bathroom.

"Yang, I do believe that you have just recently tried to apply for a tier 4 job. Are you sure you're up to it?"

"Of course. If it's about CLyde, then I'll do anything." And she meant it. Anything to get Clyde back.

"It is a dual mission, you know this, right?"

"Yeah...." Yang glanced to her side.

"Who would you bring? Your teammates are all on a triple-mission. Who else would you take?"

"Someone from Team JNPR." Yang replied. Ozpin smiled.

"I have your teammate picked." THe bathroom was flushed and out stepped the one person Yang was thinking about taking with her on the job.

"Long time no see Yang." Xander said while zipping up his pants.

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