S.2 Ch.11 : "The War......"

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A/N I know, I know. It's been a month since my last update. SORRY. But here's the epic chapter that proceeds the last chapter!


3rd POV

Clyde had jumped into the army of White Fang soldiers, confident that he could destroy a good amount of soldiers and give the four kingdoms a chance to prepare.

Clyde immediately activated his semblance which allowed for him to have full control over any flames near him. Using his sword, he created a flame wave that destroyed multiple squadrons.

Those squadrons were but a small fraction to the entire army.

'This is gonna take forever.' Clyde thought to himself.

He was forced to swing his scythe above his head in a circular motion to give him room to breath.

He immediately released flames which emitted from him in a similar fashion as his scythe. Then he flinched in pain.

His exterior, although looked healed, was really not healed. He was still bleeding profusely, his illusion broken.

He was doomed.

-5 Minutes Later-

Despite being wounded extremely, Clyde managed to knock down more squadrons.

Suddenly, someone roared behind everyone else. Her shout was familiar, and her flaming yellow hair shot through the unsuspecting ranks of soldiers.

"Clyde, you idiiot! I knew you shouldn't have stayed behind!" Yang screamed at him. Xander, Pyrrha, and Ruby were also behind her.

"Why did you guys-??"

"Weiss and Blake will spread the word. For now, We'll fight. And for sure, we'll win." Xander said with confidence. He then pulled his spear and pointed it at the soldiersz who backed up cautiously.

"Anyone care to try?" he taunted.

-Lay MASSIVE Time Skip-

It had been three months since the war between Clyde's close friends and Adam's army. Surprisingly, Weiss and Blake had made it to Beacon in record time. Rounding up all of the students, they rushed to help they're friends.

They made it just in time.

With new reinforcements, Clyde and all of Beacon drove the evil soldiers to the brink of surrender.

Adam and Scarlet were never heard from again.

Now, Clyde was out of the hospital, his arm completely healed. He and Yang had moved in together in an apartment. It was summer break at Beacon, which meant four months of free time.

Clyde and Xander went to a party on the first night of Summer Break.

There, the two had gotten UNBELIEVABLY drunk.

That was a huge mistake.

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