Chapter 47

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"You're retiring?"

"Yeah, don't be sad, there are plenty of Omegas in here to satisfy you." Hitch cooed. Her regular customer bought her the last room on the second floor, they were in mid of heat when Eren let out his threatening scent but Hitch had to remember the scold the brunette Alpha later.

"So, that's means I can court you!" James beamed.

Hitched frowned. "What? You're not giving up are you?"

"Never, ever since I first saw you Hitch, I just... You're so beautiful and strong." James listed, he sat upon the bed held Hitch's hands on his tightly. "I don't care if you sleep with a lot of Alphas before me, I love you Hitch and I'm willing to accept you whole!"

Hitch stared at him in amazement. James always surprised her, ever since she slept with the Alpha, Hitch refused to sleep with somebody else. It's not that she liked him or anything.

She shook her head and force down a smile. "Whatever you say, do what you like."


Hitch smirked at his stupid face. She almost forgot about Eren's orders because of that stupid face. Sitting up straight in the bed, Hitch carried out her orders. "By the way, I heard a lot of buzz about the Smith's bank, aside from the grand renovations, what else does the Smiths had behind those vaults?"

"Nothing special, really." He shrugged. "For me, they're just one fancy pawn shop."


"I work with pawn shops before, they're doing the same thing but..."

"Hmmm?" Hitch encouraged.

"There's this exclusive vault. Before, they offered special vaults to people. These vaults had double security, a code, and a key. The key was kept by the owner who rented the vault. It was more secured but the Smiths realized that they couldn't circulate the money inside those vaults. Then, they discontinued that offer."

"So, they just returned whatever inside those vaults to the owners?"

"Yes and one no. The majority took their valuables in those vaults and only one remained unclaimed and unopened."


"Right? That vault was sitting there for more than 10 years, the Smith's believed that something very valuable inside and claimed it as their lucky charm. They tried every though but they couldn't open it. So, it just sat there."

"But don't they have records to contact whoever rented it?"

"They do but they figured whoever was it was dead and the key was buried along with them."


"Interesting," Eren nodded.

Hitch was in their room now and reported everything to them. She also served them breakfast and gave Levi some suppressants.

Levi didn't want to get in heat now. He had a lot of things to settle with and he didn't want to nest here. If they were back in Isabelle's cottage, Levi would gladly spend his heat there.

Eren, the best Alpha that he was, agreed with the raven and asked some suppressants from his mother.

"He also said that vault was the Smith's lucky charm. Within 10 years and probably counting, the Smiths business grew," Hitch added.

"Thanks, Hitch. You may leave now." Eren ushered her out.

Hitch stopped and looked back at Levi. The raven tensed at the bed and glared at her when she didn't say anything. Then the female Omega smiled at him. "I'm impressed, Levi. Keep it up." She winked at her before she left.

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