Chapter 3

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Eren dried his hair with a towel as he exits the bathroom.

"What a spoiled piece of ass! A nice ass though..." He cursed. He never expected that the raven will come back, he thought Levi will take the opportunity to run away from him and talk with the nearest sheriff or ranger in town. Well, he also didn't foresee that the said Omega will pour all the food on him, like a diva.

Eren found it daring, he can't stay mad at the Omega. While the housekeeping is still busy cleaning up their room, Eren went to the landlady. If Levi run away after throwing food at him, the outlaw will surely hunt him down.

"You had a fight?" The young landlady asked with concern. Her red hair tied in a braid, behind her thick framed glasses were beautiful blue eyes. She's beautiful in her youth but not as beautiful as Levi.

"Just a little misundersting." Eren smiled like what happened is just another normal day.

"Well, he didn't passed here, I think it was him who went in the attic."

"I see, thank you." Eren bowed like a gentleman. As he went up stairs, his can't take off the smile  on his lips.

Levi had all the time to run and inform the authorities, yet he didn't for the second time.

Eren reached the attatic, allowing the door to make a sound as a sign of his arrival. He found Levi sitting on the light of the moon, under the open window. He didn't missed how the Omega quickly wipe his face with the long sleeves of his dress.

"Fuck off!" It sounded rough, a simple sign that he was crying for a while.

Eren sighs, ignoring the Omega's warning and dares to sat next to him.

"I said, fuck off-"

"I deserve it."

Levi stared at him for a moment before looking at the moon with an annoyed huff. "Good."

"Other people will find it disrespectful but I found it daring." He complement, hoping it can calm the Omega.

"Fuck other people."

"Fuck them, indeed." Eren agreed, he'd experienced a lot dealing with shitty people. He agreed wholeheartedly. "Because of what you did, you earned my respect."

"Fuck you- wait, what?" Levi finally faced him. Gray eyes widen as it was devoured by emeralds one.

"Is there something on my face?" The outlaw asked as the Omega once again stared at him. Running a hand on face, he makes sure that he didn't have chucks of carrots on his skin.

"Yeah, there is.. Your face and your eyes."

"Oh! Right! Sorry if it gave you a fright."

"How did you hide it?"

"Well, I met this beta. And she offered these glass contacts in exchange for sparing her and friendship." Eren took the case on his pocket and opening it.. Watching as the Omega gaze at the glass contacts.

"How did you put it? Does it hurt?" Levi leaned in, curious at the glass contacts.

"This is expensive, she got it in Germany since she travel a lot." Eren closed it, making sure it is sealed shut before returning it in his pocket. "I think you should meet her. I can already see that you two will become best friends."

Levi nodded and they both sat in comfortable silence. It is just then that the Omega realized how vast the world is and how much he missed the latest trends and discoveries.

"A normal captive will automatically get the authorities once he is given a chance. Yet you didn't. Why?" Eren broke the silence

Levi froze at the question. Why didn't he? He asked himself and he knew the answer too well but he can't tell Eren yet.

"I don't know how to survive on my own..." He was honest. It was not the whole truth but it counts. All his life, Levi ravish under the wealth of his parents. He had no idea what to do after he step out of the inn. "Plus, my jewelry is still in our room."

"Your jewelries?" Eren mocked.

"Yes, they're mine." Levi put emphasis on the "mine".

"Technically, I had my eyes on them even before you started planning on running away." Eren smirked.

"Ugh," Levi groaned instead. He is too tried to argue with the Alpha. But.... "Thank you."


"For the respect... I- you probably don't know because you're an Alpha and all..."

"Levi, I know. I was raised on a brothel." Eren leaned his back on one of the wodden boxes the cluttered on the attic.

"A b-brothel?" He stutters. He knew what what happened on those places. His mother threatened him so, telling him that if he doesn't act like a proper Omega, he will be sent on the brothel. And Levi feared that word ever since.

"I know, pretty crazy right? But I got a good childhood and I've learned a lot. That includes stealing." Eren laughs like a maniac. After a few seconds, he tries to clam himself before continuing. "But one of the most important thing they taught me is to respect Omegas, rich or poor."

Levi stared at him in disbelief. He can't let his guard down, who knows if this outlaw is actually lying to get his trust. But there is something on the Alpha that made Levi's Omega purr. He had been ignoring his inner instinct when he bumped into the outlaw that morning. But it's okay to follow one's instincts, right?

"They must be.... Good people." Levi commented, covering a yawn with his hand.

Eren watched the drowsy Omega. He eyed how his pale skin glows under the moonlight, his raven long hair flows down over his shoulder. Too long for Eren's taste.

"I just realized how long your hair is." Eren took a few strands, admiring the color.

"It's a pain though..."

"You know..." Eren lights up, Levi look good with his long hair but...

I researched the timeline of the wild west and the discovery of the contacts lenses. I was thankful that the both dates matched! I was surprise to know that the first contact lenses were actually made out of glass (gasped)

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