Chapter 29

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Before the sun rose, the trio continued on their journey with biscuits and jam in their stomachs. However, this time, Levi is no longer riding in between the two Alphas. He just can't take it anymore if Erwin decided to utter a single word. He is not sure, but he gets annoyed with Erwin. But who wouldn't get annoyed with the blonde Alpha? This trip was supposed to be his and Eren's first journey as mated pairs then this blonde bastard inserted himself in.

"Do you prefer brandy or wine?" Eren asked at the blonde Alpha.


"Really? I thought you'll be a wine kind of guy."

"A lot of people do. But no."

"Ugh," Levi groaned quietly. Now that Eren is side by side with Erwin, the two had a never-ending conversation as if they are best friends. It annoyed Levi. He felt his Omegan howl in distaste due to his Alpha not giving him enough attention. But Levi is not jealous. That's for sure. He was just annoyed how the two got along so well.

Shaking his head, he pulled Tea Green's reins. "This trip will take forever with our pace," Levi mumbled.  Kicking the horse with his boots, Tea Green raced at the dirt path with full speed. The raven gasped with the sudden speed, the wind almost knocking him off the horse. He clutched the reins for support, when he was able to relax at the new speed, Levi chuckled. He felt free with adrenaline rush running in his veins, the Omega doesn't care anymore. He let the wind knocked off his hat.

"Levi!" Eren called out as his mate stormed off, catching the Omega's hat. "Wait!" He encouraged Titan who gladly stomped in his hooves.

"Are we racing?" Erwin asked excitement flows in his veins as he watched his companions dash at the road. "Well, game on!" He kicked his horse to keep up with the two, with his only hand, he clutched the reins to keep him in the horse.

"Levi, slow down!" Eren called out when he reached Levi.

"Hmmph," Levi glared at him and stuck his tongue out.

"Levi," Eren warned. "You are not ready for this speed, slow down."

"Make me," The Omega spit.

"Very well," Eren pulled Titan's reins, slowing the beast down.

Levi chuckled, somehow he enjoyed seeing Eren's face scrunch up in disapproval. He didn't bother to look back at his mate, though he heard Titan's loud whine. Then suddenly, Green Tea whined as well, slowing down at his pace.

"Wait, what?" Levi's eyes were blown wide when his horsed kept whining as an answer to Titan's. He kicked the horse to keep his speed but Tea Green shook his head, whining as he slows down gradually until they fully stopped. "Hey! Don't stop!" Levi demanded.

"Sorry, but he had to," Eren was beside in a swift.

"How did you-"

"I thank Titan for it," Eren leaned down and patted the black stallion's neck.

Levi stared at the horse in disbelief. "Ugh!" he pouted as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Hey, chill a little." Eren chuckled at his adorable pouting mate and placed the hat back on the raven's head.

"You want me to chill while Erwin's around," Levi mumbled as he turned his face away from him.

"I know, I kinda regretted letting him come with us actually..." Eren confessed. It is not that he is worried about Erwin, it's just that his bond with Levi is new and with another Alpha near his mate is making his Alpha instincts growl. Not mention, he completely missed his chance in the river last night. Eren would love to take the raven there but unfortunately, he had to remind himself that they are not alone anymore.

"I hate you," Levi spit at him. "Get rid of him!"

"Levi, he was kind to us. He shared his casserole with us," Eren defended.

"Eren, this trip is supposed to be just the two us! The two of us!" The raven emphasized. "I hope that we'll turn this journey into a long date, but no. Erwin fucking Smith came to the picture!" Levi hissed. Truth be told, he is still bitter about Eren's rejection at the river. Yes, he does look forward to this journey. Sleeping under stars, hunting for rabbits for dinner, fishing, and experience sex in the wilderness with only his Alpha.

"I understand your frustration," Eren tried to calm the raven down by holding his hand on his but Levi slapped it.

"And who's fault is that?" Levi glared at him.

"I'm sorry..." Eren lowered his head in submission. It was a funny sight though, an Alpha cowering in fear at his Omegan mate. "You wanna ride with me? Here, with Titan?" Ocean eyes peeked between his chocolate brown bangs.

"Hmmm...." Levi gave it a deep thought before sighing. "Alright. Help me off."

"Yey," Eren cheered. He swang his leg off the stallion and helped his Omega off of Green Tea. The Alpha helped Levi climbed Titan, then tying a rope on Green Tea's reins and linking it on black stallion before climbing the black beast.

As Eren settled behind him, Levi can't help but let out a satisfied sigh. Now that he is close to his Alpha, his instincts calmed down gradually. Though it is not enough, he wanted some alone time with Eren.

"Hey!" Erwin's voice rang followed by heavy hooves stomping in the dirt path. "Who won?" He asked when he reached them.

"Levi, of course," Eren grinned.

"Levi, you looked like you were born to ride a horse!" Erwin praised.

"Whatever," Levi mumbled as he snuggled closer to his mate. "How far is it until the next town?"

"Not that far, I think we can reach it before dinner," Eren confirmed.

"Great, can we go faster?" Levi almost whined at his mate.

"Well," Eren turned to the blonde Alpha.

"I don't mind," Erwin waved at him. "To be honest, I wanted to sleep in an actual bed tonight."

"Then that settles it," Eren kicked Titan and the beast quicken it's pace, just enough for Tea Green to catch up before bolting into the path, leaving nothing but dust behind their tracks.

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