Chapter 52

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"Ugh," Levi blinked several times as he slowly get out from the drowsy effect of the drug. He was disoriented by his surroundings at first, the dark wood of the carriage felt like a casket when he noticed how cramped it was.

"Oh, you're awake," Kenny poked him with his foot.

"Wha?" Levi whimpered. His Omegan voice was prominent, calling for his Alpha.

"Here," the old Alpha uncapped his canteen and poured a decent amount of water into Levi's lips.

Still unable to move with how fuzzy his mind was, Levi tried to swallow as much as he could.

"Don't fret, brat. We're not planning on hurting you," Kenny sounded sincere and wiped Levi's mouth dry.

"Yeah," Kuchel chirped. "We don't want to get into Rogue's bad side!"

At the mention of his mate, Levi whimpered again. Whatever drug his uncle made him smell, it was certainly unpleasant. His mind was foggy, his vision was shifting from clear to blurry, his nose picked up every scent around him. It was shit.

Levi had no idea how long they had traveled or where the fuck his relatives were taking him but he seems to have an idea.

His mother.

"We're almost there," Kuchel announced as she flicked the reins and the horses quickened their pace.

Levi tried to move his limbs in protest, it was fruitless but it didn't get unnoticed by Kenny.

"Don't worry, we are not that far from home," Kenny patted his head. "How did you get hooked up with Rogue anyway?"

"Because we Ackermans are irresistible!" Kuchel giggled.

"Then why the hell that lady slapped me back at Rose?" Kenny turned to his sister.

"You're being a jerk!"

"What?! I didn't do anything!"

"That was certainly not how you speak to an Omega, brother!"

The two started bickering back and forth and Levi wished that he could move, punch both of his relatives, and ran back to Eren.

Craning his neck to glance at the window, Levi could see the sun setting. If they're not far from Shinganshina then Eren could certainly catch up and help him.

Levi whimpered one more time, hoping that his call could be heard by his Alpha.

"Stop that, don't make Kuchel cry from your pitiful whimpering!" Kenny scolded.

"Are you sure he's not hurt?" Kuchel glance at the raven on the floor over her shoulder. "He sounded in pain."

"He's calling for his Alpha."

"Oh, wow. Omegas can actually do that?" Kuchel awed.

Alphas. Levi grunted in his head. The carriage kept on going but it slowed down with the uneven terrain. The heat was unbearable inside and the afternoon sun rays that managed to peek through the cracks of the wooden carriage didn't help with the heat.

The sun was setting when the carriage finally stopped.

"We're home!" Kuchel announced happily.

"Alright, don't you dare struggle runt or I'll drop you," Kenny threatened.

Levi growled at his uncle but he did what he said when the Alpha threw him over his shoulder and jumped out of the creaking carriage.

Levi frantically looked around. Even when Kenny and Kuchel kept saying that they were home, this didn't feel like home. They were on unkept farmland. The dry grass was tall and the path was muddy despite the heat of the day. On the distant hill, there was a small run-down cottage. There are a few cattle in the field but they didn't look so well. Not far was a barn with paint chipping off the walls and the roof was missing a few boards.

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