Chapter 23

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"Levi, how are you feeling?" Mikasa asked first thing in the morning.

"Kasa, I feel great. Thanks for looking after me but you guys needed to chill. Geez," Levi huffed while he fixed their bed.

Maybe having Mikasa to sleep over is a bad idea. Because before sleeping, Levi had a worrywart mate on the right and an overprotective sister on left. Both Alphas were teaming up to make sure his fever is not coming back. It was nice to have two doting Alpha's serving him but after 30 minutes Levi was annoyed as hell. Every second they asked him how he feel, both panicked when he stands up and get out of bed. And both of them forced him to eat dinner on bed, plus, Eren suggested that he should be spoon fed.

If they were not his sister or mate, Levi will punch them on the gut for being so annoying.

Now, he felt like new. No more dizziness or chills but the two won't get off his back.

"Maybe another day of rest, just to be sure," Eren added. He already put on his boots to tend the crops but he seems to be glued in the house, probably conflicted to going work or staying to make sure that Levi was fully recovered.

"No! Seriously, I'm well now."

"Levi, if you won't listen to me, please listen to Eren," Mikasa crossed her arms over her chest.

"What?!" Levi exclaimed.

"Just one more day Levi, please," Eren begged at him with his signature puppy eyes.

Levi almost gasped, he clearly knew that he can't say no to that. Eren have been bending him over with those fucking big green eyes of him. How did Levi became this weak?

"No! Levi is not listening to any of you!"

The three of them turned their heads to the owner of the voice on the front door. There, Isabelle stood with both hands on her hips.

"Isabelle-" Eren started.

"-No! Omegas were stronger than you think! I know you guys are worried and I know that this is none of my business but what I know is that Levi needed my help."

"Thank you, Izzy." Levi simply brighten at that. Finally someone on his side, also it's nice to have an Omegan friend around who knows your strength.

"Anyways, I have something to talk with Levi," she gestured Levi to follow her.

"But-" This time it was Mikasa.

"-No buts, we'll only be talking at the front where the benches were. How about you prepared Levi a hearty meal while he's gone," Isabelle suggested.

"You guys can do that right?" Levi turned to them. Eren and Mikasa were not sure to let him out of the house but both of them nodded anyhow. "Alright, bye!"

Levi quickly put on his shoes and ran out of the house with Isabelle in tow.

"Come on before they changed their minds," He whispered at red hair Omega.

Isabelle just giggled and followed him. When they reached the bench, Isabelle was panting her lungs out.

"Phew, I'm sure I'm gonna miss running," she giggled.

"Oh, sorry that I have to make you run," Levi cringed seeing how labored Isabelle's breathing was. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just give me a sec to catch my breath."

After a few minutes, Isabelle even out her breathing. The fresh countryside air helped alot and she sighed at the wramth of early morning rays of the sun.

"I don't think I'll be able to run like that for the next 7 months." Isabelle mentioned.

Levi frozed and stared at her with wide eyes. When Isabelle just smile at her, the raven Omega gasped. "Isabelle, you're-"

"Pregnant? Yes!" Isabelle cheered.

"Congratulations!" Levi hugged her. He still can't seem to digest it, he doesn't noticed anything with the past few weeks but he completely understood how the red hair Omega was having troubles breathing after their run. Oh god, he almost put Isabelle in danger. "I'm so sorry, I made you run. I didn't know."

"It's fine and it's fun." Isabelle shrugged. 

"So, what's Farlan's expresion when he knew?"

"Actually, he's the first one to noticed but I waved it off until I stopped by the doctor yesterday. He cried like a child, it hilarious!" She laughed.

Levi smiled, just then he noticed a few changes on Isabelle now that they are sitting side by side. She is practically glowing, her skin looked smoother and her green eyes shines in joy.

"But that's not all news that I want to talk to you," Isabelle's cheerfullness  drop down, she looked down at her hands before continuing. "My brothers are coming to help us, so..."

Levi blinked.

"No," Isabelle waved at him. "It's not like you are bad with the jobs or anything, we actually really like you guys but we just don't have enough rooms or beds to shelter my brothers and you... It's not that we wanted to get rid you guys-"

"Izzy," Levi cut her off. "It's okay, I understand. You can have free help from your brothers, and I know you needed the money for your baby."

"Well, yeah... That's the deal but I don't want to, you know." Isabelle pouted.

"I know, I understand. And we're helping you, we are going to buy a horse from your farm." Levi can't help but smile. Isabelle is such a pure soul and Levi loved her, she was his first Omega friend that completely understood him, she approved his masculine outfits and started wearing one herself. In fact, she is wearing some pants now, unlike her usual which was skirts. She was amazed at how easy was it to move around. And she's the only person Levi can approached at regarding to how to handle a very horny Alpha. If it wasn't for her, Levi was awkward as fuck in bed.

"Thank you," finally the smile was back on her face. "I really don't want to let you guys go but, I have no choice."

"I completely understand, so when will your brothers arrived?"

"Next Tuesday, but dont worry, we'll pay you guys for the work you did."

"I'll inform Eren about this and I'll make sure to pick a horse before that date. So? What are the signs to know you are pregnant?" Levi asked curiously.

"Ugh, right. I know I shoudn't have wave Farlan off at the first place and I was stupid because I ignored it! Morning sickness, it happened around the forth or something week, I don't know but you vomit your guts out! But don't panic, it's normal. Also the doctor said...."

Levi scooted closer and noted everything that Isabelle experienced. Just to be prepared.

Edited: June 4, 2020

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