Chapter 41

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Levi stood frozen at the doorway when they finally entered the brothel. It's not like he was expecting, the establishment looked more like a tavern. It was colorful with all the fresh flowers around, the main floor looked bigger and spacious with high cielings. There were two stairs on both sides near the entrance. Levi figured that maybe stairs on the left lead to private rooms where Omegas give special attention to their customers. While the one on the right, there's a balcony that over looked the main floor.

The main floor was full of music, laughter, and giggles. Omegas were going about, handling booze to customers with their tight corsets and short skirts. Others sat on customers' laps while entertaining them. There are some male Omegas too wearing a slick vest and shorts paired with leather boots. But their outfits were not as bold as Armin's.

Round tables and long tables were scattered around but all customers had their eyes on the huge stage, if not on their respective lap Omegas. Upon the elevated platforms were five dancers, to be exact ballet dancers.

That distracted Levi from all the drunk Alphas that were catcalling him or the indecent acts that are happening around him.

The dancers were so graceful. They looked like decent performers with their beautiful costumes.


Levi blinked out of his daze and turned to the voice of his Alpha. Eren was pushing himself out of the crowd of Omegas around him and quickly went to the raven and grabbed his hand.

"What are you standing there silly?" Eren chuckled.

"I..." Levi trailed off and glanced back at the dancers on the stage.

"Hey," Eren took both of his hands. "I know that this is all new to you and-"

"Eren!" one of the Omegas came to Eren and about twelve more were approaching them. "What are you doing? Let's have some fun!"

"We miss you Eren!" another said and grabbed the Alpha by his elbow.

"I miss you guys too, I want you to meet-"

"Let's go drinking!" another one squeals as she wrapped her arms around the brunette.

Levi pressed his lips to stop growling at the Omegas that were touching his Alpha. It disgusted him to see those female Omegas pressed their chest on Eren's as they cooed at him or those males that practically rubbed their bodies on him.

Levi's itching to grabbed his gun and aim at every single one of them but he had to remind himself that maybe his Alpha knew these Omegas every since he was a kid. However, the simple thought that maybe Eren had slept with one of them made Levi's blood boil.

"Eren!" Armin called out with all smiles as he came down from the stairs on the right side. Behind him was an old female Omega and for once she's not wearing flirty and extravagant clothing, she's out of place with her plain brown dress and white apron.

Immediately the Omegas around Eren stepped back and watched from the side.

"Mother!" Eren dashed excitedly and embrace the old Omega.

Levi watched silently with a smile as his Alpha was reunited with his mother. Then he felt a dozen pairs of eyes digging into his skull. Levi glanced at the group of Omegas. All of them were glaring at him, others were gossiping while they stared at him from top to bottom before they giggle quietly.

Levi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He counted twelve bitchy Omegas, sadly he doesn't have enough bullets for each.

"Wait!" Eren perked up and quickly went to Levi's side, draping his arm over him, he pulled the raven close. "Mother, everyone, I would like you to meet my mate. Levi!" Eren announces proudly.

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