Chapter 34

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They finally left the small town. The townspeople were so kind to offer them gifts for defending their home. Extra clothing, food, and prayers for safe journey.

Eren healed up quickly and back to normal as if he didn't got shot. While Levi can feel a slight pain in his ankle when he put too much pressure on it but he can manage. The raven Omega had sore hips but it was expected. They spend the whole night fucking like rabbits and Levi never regretted any of those intimate moments.

Somewhere in the afternoon, the trio decided to take a break. They stopped over the meadow that had a clear pond. Letting their horses drink some water and gaze over the grass while the trio relax and enjoy the cool breeze.

Levi pulled out a packet of mini carrots in one of the bags that was straps in Green Tea. Popping one carrot in his mouth, Levi admired the landscape and a family of five bunnies a few feet away.

Curious to see those cute creatures up close, Levi dared to approached them as he chewed on his carrot.

Once close enough, Levi threw a carrot at the bunnies. The little furry things were spook at first but when one brave bunny sniffed at the treat. The little darling nibble at the vegetable, then the other bunnies noticed the treat and got the courage to approach it until all the members of the bunny family were happily eating the carrot.

Levi giggled, stopping himself from extending his hand to pet at the little things.

When the carrot was nothing but little bits, all bunnies stared at him. Nose twitching adorablely.

"Aw, you guys want some more?" Levi cooed at them. Reaching in the packet, the Omega threw three more carrots but this time much closer to him. "There you go."

The bunnies didn't think twice and hopped their way towards the treat. Not even a minute passed, all carrots are gone.

"More?" Smiling, Levi squated down and put four carrots near his feet.

Instantly, the bunnies rushed towards it and some of them were on Levi's feet while they eat.

"Be still my heart," Levi whispered to himself as he eyed the baby bunny's little tail.

He dropped more carrots near his feet until the bunnies started digging into his boots and climbing his trousers for more. "You guys still hungry?" He asked as he continued to drop more food.

Then a white and black bunny joined in the eating feast. And then two more with brown fur came in. And three more. Until the family of five bunnies became a dozen. And more are coming.

"Ummm," Levi held up the packet and only two mini carrots fell. The bunnies eat it in less than 10 seconds.

Then all eyes where looking at him.

"Ah," Levi stepped back and automatically the bunnies followed him until they were next to the raven's feet.

"I don't have any more carrots," Levi explained as he hold the packet.

The bunnies started to climb his trousers and one of them nibbled at the fabric and it's teeth scrape at Levi's skin.

"Shit!" Levi jerked away, surprised. Like a magnet, the bunnies followed through and attempt to climb his legs again.

"No, no more!" The raven backed away but the bunnies kept following him.

"Stop!" Levi was walking away but the bunnies were hot on his heels.

"Nope!" He started running and the bunnies started running as well. His heart beats irratically but not from cuteness, only then he realized that some of the bunnies were huge enough to tackle him. And rabies.

"Eren!" He screamed.


"I think the horses are ready to go," Eren announced as he strapped his black stallion. Titan stomp his hoves on the dirt, itching to continue their journey.

Erwin nodded yet his blue eyes gazed in the meadow. Deep in thought.

Eren went to Green Tea, strapped him up for Levi. Noticing that the blonde Alpha hadn't ready his horse yet and was busying looking into the horizon. "You okay?"

Erwin blinked out of daze and turned to Eren with a smile. "Yeah, just thinking..."

"Can I know?"

"Well, I'm been thinking of what will happen to my life if I hadn't join the scouts. I'll probably take over my family's bank, got married and maybe..." Erwin looked down at his missing arm. "Still have complete limbs..."

"Do you regret it? Joing the scouts?"

"No, never but looking back and thinking the possibilities is endless," Erwin shrugged. "And I don't fancy running a bank, it's just honest stealing..."

"Honest stealing?" Eren asked, but deep inside he knew exactly what Erwin meant.

"Yeah, it can be a dirty work but it's legal. Maybe that's why I don't want to take over in the first place."

"Well, I never deposit or take loan on a bank before. But I heard about the Smith's bank, in... Maria?"

"Trost," Erwin corrected.

"Oh, yeah. Just few miles away from Shingansina. Are you going home after visiting the entertainment house?"

"I'm not sure... I wanted to go home and maybe help with the bank but... My father thinks I won't be much help."

"How so?"

"I used my right hand for writing," Erwin frown at his missing arm. "My handwriting is terrible even if I try with my left."

"Is that all the reason?" Eren frowned. "Your folks thought your not much in help because of that?"

"Not only that... My father never agreed of me joining the scouts. He loath me then, he cared about his bank more than me becoming the commander. He grew more cruel when he found out I lost my arm and when I decided to retire... he hated me more..."

"I'm... I'm sorry... I don't know my father so... That's all I can say," Eren deflated.

"It's fine. I don't care really much about him now or the bank, I have enough money to support me. I'll just focus on finding a life mate..." Erwin forced a smile at him.

"I hope you'll find a lovely Omega." Eren smiled.

"Thanks," Erwin nodded and proceed to sable his horse.

Eren turned to Tea Green and finish strapping him. His eyes shines with mischief and a wicked smirk slowly pulled in the corners of his lips. Everything was falling into his plan.


Instantly, Eren turned towards the alarm call from his mate. "Levi?! Are you okay?!" He shouted back.

Levi was running up the meadow and when Eren was near enough, the raven jumped off his feet and cling to his Alpha for dear life.

"Whoa!" Eren steadied himself as he held the Omega tightly. His mate was gasping for air and the Alpha was more than willing to eliminate whatever frightened his dear mate. "What's wrong?"

Eren didn't need an answer when almost two dozen of bunnies came running up to them. "Bunnies!" He cheered.

"No! Rabies!" Levi exclaimed as he cling into the brunette, keeping his feet off the ground.

"Wow! Look at this!" Erwin hurried next to them. Squating down, he let the little fur balls sniff his hand.

"Don't be fooled! They have rabies!" Levi shrieked when one of the brave bunnies stood up on Eren's leg.

"But they're so cute!" Eren squealed.

"Yes, indeed," Erwin chuckled. "Look at that little one," he pointed at the smallest bunny.

"Whatever! Let's get out of here!" Levi screamed at the two.

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