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(y/n) - your name


I quickly dodge a random centre piece that flies across the room, it shattering against the wall and I flinch away from the broken shards before looking over the edge again to see Five and Ben fighting. Five manages to get a few hits on Ben but I gasp when he punches him back in the chest, my boyfriend stumbling back against the counter.

"Five!" I quickly gasp but he shoots me a look to stay back and I stay behind the counter to not cause him any trouble. He grunts when Ben manages to get him in a chokehold but quickly teleports away to escape,

"You're alive. That's... great. Or possibly horrible." My little assassin breathes out, brushing his hair back. "I'm not really sure yet."

"Is that some kind of weird smack talk!?" Ben hisses.

"It's more of an existential problem, really, Ben." Fine rolls his eyes like this would be obvious.

"Awesome! Well, here's your next problem!"

Ben suddenly sends a tentacle out to attack Five but he teleports away to the top balcony with his hands in his pockets. "You know, even though you're a total asshat now, it's nice to see you again, really." Ben turns around, getting agitated and tries to attack again but my boyfriend teleports away again with ease.

"Enough! Let's get you to stay in one place!" The Horror growls out, turning to me all of a sudden and my eyes go wide when he sends his tentacles to me.

"Shit-" I scramble away and grab something to protect me but I gasp when I get grabbed, pulled back harshly into Ben's arms as his tentacles wrap around me before Five teleports in front of us.

He sneered at his brother, looking at me with worry. "Let her go." He grits out, panic flashing in his eyes. Ben tightened his grip around my body and I struggled to get out. "Ben!" Five didn't know what to do, didn't want to risk getting me hurt and he stayed still just like what his brother wanted.

"You come crawling back and you're with this guy now, huh?" Ben grits out when he grabs my jaw, making me look at him and I glare at him. "What happened to never coming back?" He mocks me but I had no clue what he was talking about.

"Let me go!" He chuckles, flinching back from one of his tentacles patting me on the cheek. "You're gonna regret this!" I felt the sharp prongs of whatever I grabbed and stab Ben wherever I could and he yelled out in pain before releasing me and jumping away, hissing as one of his tentacles withered back into him. He growls at me and steps forward but I raise whatever was in my hand in a warning and sigh in embarrassment that it was a damn fork. "Don't you dare touch him." I sneer, standing in front of Five and blocking his brother from attacking him. I was shaking on my feet, still hurt and I grimaced when the new bandages started bleeding red again.

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