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Elle's Pov

After a long time of avoiding, and putting my third road test off, I finally have my license. By God's grace I was able to master the art of parallel parking...somewhat.

Most people don't know that I actually have anxiety about driving, so I haven't been too keen on getting my license. At first I only made re-taking my road test a priority because it felt like the responsible thing to do. I'm getting older, and I'm tired of relying on people. I didn't think I'd be this excited to drive.

For my seventeenth birthday my parents bought me a cherry red Lexus, assuming I'd be able to drive it much earlier. Obviously that didn't happen, but thankfully it's been waiting for me since.

After I passed the test, I made sure to tell everyone I know. I made calls for about thirty minutes. Christian wasn't entirely stoked, but he came around. He's the first person I wanted to see, and celebrate with. If he wasn't so sick, we'd be together.

For the remainder of the afternoon I laid in bed, and watched TV hoping time would pass quicker. The way I missed Christian was stronger than usual, especially knowing he's not feeling the best. It sucks knowing someone you love isn't that leads me to where I am now.

It's about nine in the afternoon. I made the executive decision to go visit Christian despite his requests not to. It dawned on me that the only reason he's probably so opposed is because I can be a little too dramatic when it comes to sickness. I get grossed out easily. This is probably his way of trying to look out for me, but I'd rather show him that I have his back through anything.

Before I arrived, I made sure to slip my sexy nurse costume in my bag, and stop at the grocery store. I picked up some medicine, saltines and Gatorade. I truly don't know how I'll react to a pale, vomit covered Christian but I just have to suck it up because I know he'd do the same for me. Plus, it's too late to turn back now.

I reached Christians house not too long ago, and parked my car in the first available spot across the street. Grabbing the bag of items I bought, I slowly exit the car, locking it behind me.

Even though I'm not thrilled about the circumstance, I can't help the rush of happiness I feel as I begin to walk towards his house. I really do miss him so much.

Just as I'm a few steps from his front porch, I notice something strange. He's standing outside, and it seems like he's speaking to someone.

I'm suddenly overcome with a sick feeling. I blink my eyes heavily hoping to manipulate the sight in front of me, but I'm sadly unable. I haven't the slightest idea what's going on, but I feel my stomach starting to twist.

What the fuck?

My heart begins to beat rapidly against my will, as I take a few steps closer.

No. My eyes must be deceiving me.

Right in front of him, is Micah. They stood face to face and she seemed to be touching him.

The previous excitement I felt was gone, replaced by a pulsing anxiety. My palms start to sweat, accompanied by buckling knees.

What is she doing here?

As if this nightmare couldn't get any worse, I finally realize that she's got his sweater on. She's wearing his fucking clothes.

I recall my conversation with Christian on the phone, where he described how he could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom and needed to put all his energy towards resting. Was he now feeling better?

Suddenly it dawns on me...he lied. He lied to me.

A million thoughts swarm my head, and I start to feel frantic. Why would he lie?

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