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Christians POV
"Because, I don't want to see you, nor do I want us to speak unless we absolutely have to." She retorts almost viciously into the mouthpiece. The only feeling that currently registers is shock. I can't even picture her speaking this way to me face to face.

"That's it? That's why you called?" I raise an eyebrow, skepticism obvious in my tone. Seeing her name flash across my screen was the last thing I expected from today, but I definitely imagined our conversation would go differently than this.

"Yes." Her answer is short, bringing me more confusion.


"That's all." And the line quickly goes out.

"Fuck..."I huff dramatically, sinking backwards into the long leather bed. As if I wasn't frazzled before. Now I just feel defeated.

"Was that her on the phone?" Dr. Briar questions, signaling me to lay flat on the examination bed.

I sigh. "Yup."

I'm currently at the Doctors office getting my stitches checked out and a form for school.

I obviously had to explain to my Doctor how I got in this predicament to begin with. I explained everything, while omitting the obvious. I told her about how I lied about being sick, and how Elle caught me. Then, of course came the details of me wrecking my mirror with a quick fist.

"You don't sound too happy about that?" She glances up at me quickly, before pressing the stethoscope diaphragm to my chest. "Also, take a nice deep breath for me." She instructs, moving the piece around various parts of my chest.

"That's because she didn't say anything I wanted to hear." I roll my eyes, and sit up after Dr. Briar gives me permission.

"Well, what did you want to hear?" She removes the stethoscope from her ears, and wraps it around her neck.

"I don't know...that she forgives me and wants to be together again?"

"Is that what you're waiting on? Her to come forward and initiate all of this?"

"I would do it. I tried to, and she's not having it. The ball is completely in her court."

It's true. The only thing Elle wants is something I cannot give her. If she named any other price, I swear she'd have it in seconds.

When that horny pizza girl tried to seduce me earlier, I obviously shut that shit down.

The old Christian would've jumped at the opportunity and quite literally...would have eaten her up. Even with twenty minutes to spare before his doctor's appointment. But now the idea of touching anyone who isn't Elle just grosses me out.

"Well, she's hurting too." Dr. Briar defends Elle. "You're not the only one."

I shake my head. "I don't think so. She literally called me just to say that she doesn't wanna speak to me unless she absolutely has to. Which is pretty fucking...sorry...pretty ironic."

"She's angry, she has the right to be. You disappointed her." She comes for Elle's defense once again, causing me to look her in the eyes.

"You know..." I scoff, "You're supposed to be on my side as my doctor."

Dr. Briar laughs, before sitting on a short stool in front of me.

"I am always on your side, babe. That's why I must tell you the truth." She quickly unwraps the bandage around my knuckles, giving them a close look before wrapping them up again.

"My son just got married last month. The girl is an absolute saint, they couldn't be more of a perfect fit. But they did go through quite a rough patch at one point, just like you and your girl."

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