Giyuu takes care of you|Chapter 2

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You were up all night tryna figure out ways on how to escape this hell hole you just entered

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You were up all night tryna figure out ways on how to escape this hell hole you just entered. Sure you did just enter this place but you're gut feeling is saying this isn't a safe place at all. The bad part though is that you can't escape this room 'I think this is his room...?' You thought  in your head assuming the room your in is 'that guy's' room. You heard footsteps coming towards the room your in, so you immediately went under the blanket covers (Author Chan: everyone knows no one can get you when you're under your blankets)


Shit I'm dead.

You said in your head as you knew you were gonna get caught. "Hey" he said in a quiet-like tone. "I know you're awake I'm not a fool." He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice knowing you're fully awake. You slowly crept up from the covers. "The boss Yoriichi told me to take care of you today, don't do anything stupid." He said as he sat at the edge of the bed. He had black hair but it was short, spiky and was put in a ponytail. His eyes were blue like the deep ocean- "are you gonna say anything kid?" The man said. "Oh I'm sorry what's your name?" You asked the man. "Tomioka Giyuu, but please, just call me Giyuu." He said as he shifted his gaze at you his beautiful eyes looking at you. "N-Nice to meet you giyuu my name is (Y/n)" you said looking away trying not to blush looking at his eyes but you felt a hand grab your face and it made it face towards Giyuu. "When I'm talking you face me, Darling." Giyuu said intimidatingly. 'Damn what is it with these boys getting so close to my face?!' You attempted to punch him in the face out of shear anger but he caught your fist as he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles. You got even more mad and just pushed him away, he was much easier to push I guess since Yoriichi was stronger than him and Giyuu was a bit weaker but not in a bad way. He fell off the bed and grunted in a bit of pain. You snorted as you saw Giyuu on the floor. "Idiot you really don't have manners do you?" He said getting up and dusting off his suit. "Well you're no fun!" You teased Giyuu. "(Y/n)." He said annoyed. "What?" You said looking up at him. "Enough playing around Yoriichi told me I have to show you around the place and introduce you to everyone." He said seriously as he held out his hand to you and you took his hand and he helped you off the bed. "By the way, Yoriichi told me to give you this." Giyuu tossed the luggage on the bed as it made a small creak. "What is it?" You said as you swished your head side to side trying to find the zipper. "Umm, The boss told me to hand that to you, it's your clothes from your apartment." He said looking away daydreaming about something. "Wait, so I-I'm staying here?!" You asked Giyuu. "Yes if it isn't obvious enough." He responded bluntly. "The boss also told me he wants to speak to you, but first change then I'll give you a small tour." He then left the room and closed the door as he left, giving you time to change.

'Wow what a gentleman' you though
You wasted no time and wore your outfit (Author-Chan: imagine your outfit however you want) you then got out greeted by Giyuu leaning his back at a black wall with the same bored expression, he didn't lay his eyes on her but from the door creaking open he knew (Y/n) was out. "Come on let's get this tour over with" Giyuu said "stand next to me I don't want boss to get mad at me for not taking care of you." Giyuu finished his sentence. 'Damn. Control freak" you thought to yourself giving a glare at the black raven haired man. "You want food or a drink before we start?" Giyuu asked. "Sure I guess" you responded to Giyuu's question. The both of you walked to a bar, your stared in awe, it was made in dark wood. You glided your finger across the black line on the wood table, the entire time Giyuu smirked as he saw how easily amused you were. "You like it?" He asked suddenly. His voice being suddenly heard out of no where, scared you causing you to jump up, earning a slight deep chuckle from Giyuu. 'Why does Giyuu tease me! Ugh!" You pouted in anger and a blush dusted your cheeks. "Shush!" You yelled at the raven Haired man. "You can't control me even if you wanted to, Princess." That was the final straw you give him a mean glare and you put your hands on the sides of the seat to help you get up and give his man a piece of your mind but as you were about to you heard a pair of footsteps coming behind Giyuu. "Ara ara~ you do know it's disrespectful to treat the Boss's crush like that, right Giyuu?" The female said as she was beside Giyuu. "It's none of your business Shinobu, I'm supposed to take care of her since the boss assigned me to." He said in a monotone voice "well stop teasing them Giyuu, I know you're not liked by anyone but doesn't mean you go and bug others!" She said with a closed eyes smile. You looked at the two people talking as Giyuu finally got a taste of his own medicine. They continued talking- well half talking half arguing, some parts they were arguing about you. Mean while you were holding in your laugh seeing Giyuu's smile get crushed slowly but surely. "Excuse me ma'am" the bartender called out to you and you turned around towards the bartender as she was cleaning a cup "is there something I can get you today?" She asked. "Hmm... do you by any chance have (F/d)?" You asked the female bartender. She smiled "yes we have, would you like one?" "Yes, please!" "Alright one (F/d) Coming right up!" She said as she got to work right away. You sat there pondering why you were here until the female hashira called out to you. "I heard about you, you're (Y/n) correct?" She asked. "Yes and from what I heard from Giyuu your name is Shinobu?" You asked tilting your head to the side. "Yes! The boss told me tomorrow is the day I get to properly met you I just came to say hi and to get to know you~" she smiled. "Oh okay." She said her farewell and left as you sat there drinking (F/d) and Giyuu gave you a quick tour around the place and called it a day as you and Giyuu slept on the same bed but turned away from each other.


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