Captured|Chapter 16

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"The hell?" Tengen said confused. A shadow of a tall demon showed up but it was nothing but a mere silhouette. "I've had my eyes on you~ (Y/n)~"
It's the fan demon
"Y/N STAY BACK!" Tengen exclaimed, as he was in front of you with both swords on each hand.
"I told you I'd come back." Muzan kibutsuji said.


walking, a bit forward towards (y/n).  His white hair that was once shorter and black flowing in the cold air of the night. "You have something I want, dear." He said with his face showing a serious look. Tengen was fighting Douma but of course Tengen was no match to the Upper moon 2, so he was badly wounded he attempted to dodge the upper moon's attack so he can call for back up. But soon Muzan went up to you, you were prepared for this moment. "Now now dear no need to result to violence." He said still keeping that serious face. He teleported behind you, you remembered Rengoku told you about his supernatural like abilities.

You turned around and attacked Muzan but he caught your hand. Veins popped out of his hand and his nails grew blue and long as he crushed your hand. You Shrieked loudly in pain making you drop your knife but you thought quickly as you grabbed it with your other hand and stabbed Muzan on his knee making him howl in pain. He then looked at you with his now red eyes with his pupils looking ones like a cat, his fangs showing in anger. "YOU BRAT!" He spat angrily at you. He used his power to teleport you and him at the secret base. You were teleported and was immediately tied to a chair and had a cloth VERY tightly tied around your mouth to make sure you couldn't talk. (Author-Chan: AYO Muzan kinda kinky for that 😩)

"You better behave or else." He laced the last word with venom. He reminded of you of a snake, and you were his fresh bait. Muzan opened the shoji door to the room next door and took out his phone to call someone and closed the door, leaving you alone in the room.

You had time to think and you needed to think FAST before Muzan can come back. You remembered that Shinobu had those knives attached to her shoes and offered to give them to you. You can probably do something with the knife in your shoes.

Tengen's POV
I was bleeding on my face and on my arms from the cuts of the fan from Douma. Shinobu SLAMMED the door open and launched herself to Douma and thrusted her sword at him unfortunately Douma was faster so he dodged but it was close. Shinobu safely landed on the floor. 'What the hell am I doing?! I need to help her!" I Thought. I was about to get up but Shinobu yelled at me to not fight. I thought of a good idea and I knew a few ladies that can help. I took out my phone and quickly scroll through my contacts with my one good eye panting heavily from the fight I just did. Found them. He tapped the contact to call and lifted his phone to his left side of his ear.
"Yes lord Tengen?"
"Hinatsuru! Call Suma and Makio!" I told her eagerly.
"Right away lord Tengen!"
She ended the call but she said the last words so lovingly I couldn't help but blush. "What in the world did I do to deserve such amazing wives?" I blushed.

(How they look)

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(How they look)

They all arrived and were with me. "How did you guys get here so quickly?!" "M-Makio was driving and she did it so aggressively and swiveled the car around it was T-TERRIFYING!!" Suma cried out. Hinatsuru sweat dropped "sorry lord Tengen she was pissed that you didn't warn her ahead of time about what you were doing." Hinatsuru said as Makio was strangling Suma to stop crying and it only makes it worse. "Yea I should've warned you guys but The boss said it's only me, Iguro and Kyōjurō." Tengen explained. "Oh okay, what did you call us for...?" Hinatsuru asked. "I need you ladies to..." Tengen was cut off "OI BOTH OF YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" Hinatsuru shouted. Makio scoffed and let's go of Suma. Suma then gasped for air. "Makio! I need you to help Shinobu, Hinatsuru and Suma, you guys go report to Yorichii about Y/n being taken by Muzan!" Tengen told his waives. "But what about you lord Tengen?!" Suma asked concerned about her husband. "Nevermind me! Go!" Tengen said as his wives left and ran to the destinations they needed to go. Makio took out a kunai and threw it to where Douma was about to attack Shinobu at causing his attack to collide against the kunai. "HEY BASTARD!" Makio yelled at Douma to catch his attention. Douma laughed "oh~? Two ladies~? How cute and flattering I'm gonna enjoy eating you both up!" Douma said threatening yet flirtatiously.

Y/n's POV
Using the knife that was secretly in your shoe to cut the rope around your legs and then you took off the knife from your shoe using your slightly loose arm from you wiggling out. "What are you doing dear?" Muzan's voice sounded sweet but angry in a way kinda like he was holding back his anger. 'How?! I didn't even hear him?!' "Don't you remember (Y/n?) I have Supernatural abilities, and I can read your mind" this made you scared. Not only were safe as how you are right now but now you had to be extra careful and can't even think of a plan if Muzan is just going to invade your mind. Muzan was right behind me, he took out his phone once again as he dialed a number and I heard a very angered voice on the other side of the phone Yoriichi. "Hello Yoriichi..." Muzan said calmly "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO Y/N?!" Yoriichi was beyond angered. Muzan merely chuckled at him. "Oh Nothing... yet." Muzan said.

Yoriichi POV
I bared my teeth in anger but started to shed tears in fear of my Y/n in the hands on my enemy. I had to calm down because if I keep being like this Muzan is going to do something. "What are your demands?" I asked calmly. "There we are, you finally calmed down anyways you're not getting Y/n back." I was mad again and hung up the phone. 'That jackass wasn't any help anyways' I thought and stormed out as Kyojuro and Iguro were with me. "I'll make something he will really Fear."

Author-Chan: damn y'all got kidnapped and Yoriichi pissed af anyways I apologize once again about the late chapter. I got summer school which will slow down my work even more. Author-Chan loves you tho 🫰🖤🤍 drink water and eat some healthy food.

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