Rescue Mission|Chapter 14

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Recap: Kyojuro on the other hand thought you were deep in thought sure you guys aren't close friends but he wanted to make sure you were okay. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked. "Hm? Oh yea I'm good I'm just relaxing."— "try not to relax to much" he replied with a deep chuckle making Yoriichi glare harshly at Kyojuro and kyojuro noticed and he shuts up immediately, making you slightly scared of him. You guys arrived at a mysterious place which was quite nice.

"Ah Muzan, shall we get talking?"

There were the other mafia team, from what I heard from the hashiras.

I was kinda tired and began walking my way to Mitsuri's room to sleep in but her boyfriend Iguro was there, I was slightly annoyed and just walked my way back to Shinobu's room. I walked passed a couple of rooms but there was one with a slightly open room with a bright light and the hashiras talking to one another. I didn't think much of it and walked passed it too. "Anyways we should discuss the meeting with Muzan maybe even make an alliance" those were the words that caught your attention. You turned around and ducked down and scoot your way back near the door but instead you went to the slightly opened door and ran to the back of the door in hope that they didn't see you, they still kept talking so you assumed they didn't so you leaned your ear close to the door.
"Do you even think we can accomplish something so stupid?!"

"It's worth a try!"

"Psh! Good luck with that dumbass!"

"I mean Kyojuro is right we can give it a try."
There was clinking sounds, they're probably drinking. Was what you thought.

"The meeting is tomorrow, get prepared because that good for nothing girl can't defend herself."

"That's a lie! Mitsuri taught her self defense and even gave her some secret self defense things for the meeting!"

"Muichirou stop spacing out so much"

"Huh? What are you guys talking about again?"

"*sigh* like always."

"What demons were you and Kyojuro fighting anyways?"

"We were fighting Akaza"

"The one with pale skin and blue stripes?"


Akaza... you said like you were tasting the name on your tongue and you made sure to remember that name as well.

"There was also another demon called "Domua" that strangely has an interest in (Y/n), so we have to be careful with that-"
You accidentally nudged the door making the door move and caused a creaking sound making all of the hashiras in the room to shut up.


"Oi! Who goes there?!"
Gotta blast! You kicked the door closed and ran to Shinobu's room. You tried to open it as you heard running footsteps speeding towards you as you tried to open the door it was locked so you knocked on the door not too loud for the others to know but just enough to wake Shinobu up which did and Shinobu opened the door with half lidded tired eyes and wore a white tank top with white sweatpants that had a butterfly pattern on it. "Yes, Y/n...?" She said tired and slowly. "Please let me sleep with you I know I'm supposed to be sleeping with Mitsuri but she's with her boyfriend-"— "Yea, yea come in (Y/n)" Shinobu said and grabbed your wrist dragging you in the bed and hugs you in her sleep by accident. You blushed and you both fell asleep, you still heard the hashiras talking through the door.

"I think it's fine let's just go back!"

"I'm not sure about that Kyojuro"

{What's happening right now at the moment}

Yoriichi had you by his side and he held your hand and Muzan, his demons and the hashiras were walking down many, many halls. "What's up with luxurious places having so many halls...?" You thought as you looked around the halls with small tables with vases and pictures of a man that looks very similar to the other man named Muzan after what seemed forever you finally came to a stop at a large black door. One of the demons opened the door for Muzan and then everyone walked in one by one until eventually the room was full of men and demons, which made you gulp down hard and made you nervous. As if Yoriichi could feel your nervousness he held your hand and gave your hand a gentle squeeze looking at you as you soon gazed up back at him meeting your (E/c) eyes.

" you'll be Okay Y/n just stay near me."

Those were his words to you and you nodded feeling a bit better. Sure Yoriichi took you from your precious comfortable home but you also felt lonely in the house. You were leaning against the wall with your arms crossed not wanting to interact with anyone. You closed your eyes and daydreamed for a while only for a large figure to approach you and shadowed over you. "My, My such a beautiful young lady~" he said strangely. You felt uncomfortable but with all the training you and Kyōjurō had you felt a bit comfortable. "Yes? Do you need something?" You asked unamused. "Ouch such a harsh attitude" he said acting hurt he had a golden fan flashed across his face. You sighed annoyedly, "look, sir I don't want to talk to anyone right now unless it's Yoriichi or someone I know." You said wanting the conversation to stop. "Aww don't be like that I just wanted to make a new frie-" he was interrupted by someone familiar. "Hey bastard Leave her alone she is the boss's man, and you know that full well!" He said as a threatening aura surrounded him, kabumaru was wrapped around iguro's neck, Iguro had his jagged uneven sword that looked like the body of a snake at the tip of his throat threatening to pierce through his pale skin. All the demon did was laugh, did a closed eyed smile and waved his hands to the side of his head in defeat. "Now, Now no need to resort to violence my friend!" He said happily. 'He is strange' is what you thought in your head.

Iguro let him go and the demon simply walked away with his fan in one hand. Iguro sighed at his two colored eyes looked at you "I don't recommend standing like that in the corner because you just look like bait, and if anyone else talks to you just don't talk back or else they will get even more annoying to you." He said. You walked out and Tengen followed you and you knew because of the sound of tapping of his shoes were loud. "Hey, Hey Hey! Where are you going? It's not flamboyant for you to leave the meeting like that and walk around a place you don't know." — "it's too loud and the others that I don't know are annoying." You said. "Damn." There was a long pause "then let me show you a calming place to chill at, it's quite flamboyant!" He said with a smile plastered on his face. "You say flamboyant a lot" you said as you and Tengen walk side by side. "We'll flamboyant is a very flamboyant word if I do say so for myself." He said as he whipped his head as if he had long hair but of course it was all balled up on his head and so the jingle of diamonds were only heard when he whipped his head. You laughed at his action. "Your funny." He scoffed as if he was offended "Botch I'm a hot, Brilliant, sexy funny and amazing. Not just funny!" He pouted like if he was a girl. This only caused you to laugh more at his actions. "Anyways we're here!" He said as he climbed up the two flights of stairs and you followed.

Sanemi smutt is next ^^ -Author-Chan

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