Meeting The Trapper

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The first few chapters will be a lot more about lore building, first meetings and setting the scene so you're welcome to skip if you're not interested in that!


"Hello? Are you alright?" a worried voice carried its way over to me, along with the sound of footsteps crunching through leaves. I hesitantly opened my eyes, and saw a smiling face looking down at me.

"Ah good, you're awake! You must be cold, come over to the campfire when you're ready," the person patted my shoulder in a friendly manner and walked out of my sightline. I steadily began to sit upright, looking around me to see a clearing in a forest and... Oh! That must be the campfire she was talking about.

After standing up and brushing the leaves off myself, I begin to make my way over to the crackling flames and see 4 people sat around it. They all turn their heads and I see the person from before pat the log next to her, inviting me to sit.

"Welcome! I take it you're new here? Sorry, I haven't even introduced myself! I'm Meg it's nice to meet you! she said in a cheery tone, smiling at me. I took a moment to take in the surroundings before responding, "Y/N, it's nice to meet you too Meg."

Before I got the chance to be introduced to the others, a strange black smoke surrounded all of us and Meg quickly reassured me. "Don't worry, we're going into a match! I'll make sure we spawn together and explain in a moment!" 

Her voice was drowned out by a heartbeat, and then unsettling quiet until I found myself in what I somehow knew to be the Macmillan Estate. I saw Meg a few metres away and gave her a questioning look, silently asking what was going on. She seemed to understand and gestured me over, pointing at a generator "Follow me, I'll explain over there. And, don't run." I was unsure why she said that, but decided it would be a good idea to listen and made my way over.

Once we got there she began working on it and smiled at me, "check under this panel for the instructions, focus and don't rush it. We have to repair 5 of these before we can leave. I'll explain the rest as we get there, for now just stay calm and follow my lead," I nodded softly, getting to work with the repairs. We managed to get most of it done before I heard a scream in the distance, and saw a yellow outline of a person struggling to escape from something...

"Ah, a trapper... Not the worst for your first trial." Meg muttered softly, helping me finish the generator then taking my hand and leading me over to the next one, being careful to check the ground for something.

We got to the next, but fairly quickly I began to get nervous for some reason, my pulse speeding up. Meg quickly gestured for me to hide which I swiftly did, then crept away. I heard my heartbeat get louder and louder until I saw Meg suddenly stand up, taunting the looming shadow which was now only a metre or two away from my hiding place. I peeked around the corner and saw a tall... Man? He was dressed in overalls with some painful looking metal in his arm and... Are those bear traps? Well I suppose I understood what she meant by trapper now...

I waited until she was a little further away before slinking back to the generator, hoping to finish it quickly. As I was working, I saw a yellow aura yelp in pain not too far away and then a glowing light from what I assume to be another generator being completed. Just as I finished working I saw the yellow aura turn red and fall to the ground. Shit.

I decided to see if I could help Meg out, and crept my way over, trying not to run as Meg had instructed. I peeked around the corner just in time to see the large man carrying her over his shoulder towards... A meat hook??

Much to my shock he swiftly placed her onto the hook, placing what looked to be one of those traps to the side of her. He seemed to leave so I took my opportunity and went to help Meg, making sure to avoid the trap.

Once she was down she quickly showed me how to disarm them by gently poking them which seemed quite risky to me. She ran off to a more secluded area and instructed me how to patch her up. "Well, now you've seen what happens when he catches you, that's why I said not to run. Running leaves a trail for him to follow, so only do it if you really must." That answers that question.

The heartbeat started to return with haste, and Meg quickly ran off into the trees and I lost sight of her. In my panic I froze, turning to see the man staring right at me menacingly. I managed to scramble to my feet and attempted to run but he was faster, swinging his weapon at me and landing a hit. I yelped in pain and stumbled, leading to him getting a second. Before I knew what was happening, I was hoisted up onto his shoulder and began to wiggle as if by instinct.

I feebly mumbled a "P-Please put me down" to which he seemed to pause and look at me confused for a moment, before continuing to the hook and throwing me onto it. He stared for a moment before seeming to let out a chuckle as he walked off to find his next.

I know I should feel afraid of him, but for some reason he doesn't seem so bad... Well, aside from the whole hook thing, but I'm sure there's a reason for that...

Before long one of the others I saw at the campfire before came to grab me, just as these odd black tendrils began to form around me. I saw another generator be completed nearby, only one more right? I decided to follow this new stranger who kindly healed me up before taking me to a generator where I found Meg again.

With all 3 of us working on it, we completed it in record time and the others led me over to the door. Meg pulled the handle and instructed me and the other person to keep watch of the area to make sure The Trapper wasn't nearby. It was all quiet for a few moments, until I saw him in the distance heading right for me. I knew we needed these doors open so I took the time to run in hopes of distracting him.

It worked! He began following me, his raspy breathing behind the mask sounding oddly comforting. Of course, it didn't take him long to catch me and grab me just as I tried to vault a window, once again throwing me over his shoulder. "Confident one, are you?" a deep gravelly voice came out from the mask, catching me a little off-guard as he carried me.

"I- Uh-" I couldn't get my words out before he seemed to pause at a hook, instead dropping me to the ground fairly close to the door and looking at me inquisitively. I noticed that two of my teammates had already left, and Meg was waiting at the entrance. As the man made his way over she gave me a sympathetic look and shouted "I'm sorry Y/N! Look for the hatch!!" before sprinting out the exit just before she was caught.

Hatch? What did she mean hatch? I heard a strange mystical rumble somewhere in the trees and assumed that might be it, crawling over hoping to find it. 

"I'll take you," The voice came again, this time from right behind me as he once again picked me up and continued to the sound. "I'll be nice since this is your first trial, but don't think I'll go easy on you again." he said, standing a small distance away from a strange black void in the ground.

Out of instinct, I thanked him and asked for his name which seemed to confuse him. "My... Name? Why do you want to know my name?" he asked inquisitively. "Well, so we can be introduced properly of course, I'm Y/N so you aaaare?" He set me to the ground in silence, pausing for a moment before answering.

"The people here call me Trapper, but you can call me Evan. Now go, before this realm finishes collapsing." he walked off back into the forest and I crawled over to this 'hatch' dropping myself in hesitantly.


Trapper's POV

That was a strange survivor... Asking my name? That hasn't happened before... And why did I even tell them it? That's not like me. They had an unusual aura too. They didn't seem as scared of me as the others, despite being new... 

I pondered over it for a few moments before noticing they'd left, feeling myself get taken back to the camp. I'll have to ask some of the others to keep an eye on this one... I can't help but feel like I'll have trouble sacrificing them...


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