The Meeting

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Time to go see the rest of the killers, if only for a short time! Don't worry, we'll spend plenty of time with most of them later :D

And, as a note for later, Trapper looks a lot more like his pre-entity self than in game so he's a little cleaner, isn't completely bald and actually has hair. It's up to you what it looks like though.


Trapper's POV

I had a quick chat with Wraith after Y/N left for the day, and he agreed it would be a good idea to just talk to the others instead of trying to keep Y/N a secret so we've planned a meeting with everyone. It seems most are here, just waiting on a few more...


Heading back to the campfire I saw there weren't many outside, it seemed to be getting colder out here... Weird. Deciding to follow suit, I quickly warmed my hands on the campfire then scuttled off to my cabin. My arm is pretty tired from all that training with Huntress, maybe I'll get to go back soon and keep trying.

Closing my door behind me, I kick off my shoes and flop face first into bed. Much better. A little nap couldn't hurt right? I'll wake up if I'm in a trial at any point today...


Wraith's POV

Since I'm in charge of the meeting, I take a quick headcount and it looks like everyone's here! Perfect. "Okay everyone, time to explain why we've brought you all here. As some of you might know, there's a new survivor across the border called Y/N," 

I spent some time giving a basic physical description in the hopes they'd be able to pick them out and, you know, not kill them...

"And? New survivors arrive all the time, what's so special about this one? Is it a kid or something?" Freddy asked, starting off annoyed but seeming to get a little more interested by the end of the question. Christ.

"No, Freddy, stop being gross," Trapper answered for me as I shook my head, re-gathering my thoughts. "Anyway, no. This one seems to be friendly, and doesn't appear to be afraid of the killers they've met so far. So, my teeny tiny request for all of you, is please leave them alone whenever they come over to this side outside of a trial."

I paused to take in reactions, most seemed a little suspicious but were listening. "This doesn't mean don't hook them in trials, of course you have to at least once, but maybe don't let them get sacrificed completely? I'm sure they'll understand."

Almost everyone seemed to be on board with the idea, except maybe 3. Doctor, Clown, and Pyramid Head. How did I know it'd be those three causing issues again...

"How am I meant to believe you two, the least scary killers out of all of us, that this survivor isn't afraid hm?" Doctor pried, looking very unconvinced. 

Clown joined in quickly after "And why should I be friendly if they choose to cross the border?" 

Pyramid head didn't say anything, but instead just stabbed his sword into the ground in what appeared to be agreement.

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