Meeting The Wraith

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This one is going to start including more of the killer's POV! The perspective will be written in bold at the top to keep things simple, no POV indication means it's back to you. And, now Y/N knows what they're doing, chapters will start to focus more on the interaction!


Trapper's POV

After arriving back at camp, the first one I saw was Wraith, and being the most quiet of the killers I knew my secret would be safe with him. "Hey, Wraith?" he turned to me and tilted his head as if telling me to continue. "Have you ever had a survivor... Not be afraid of you?" I paused for a moment before explaining further "Yknow like, them talking to you and being... Weirdly friendly..." Much to my dismay, he seemed to shake his head no looking a little puzzled. Ah well... Maybe he'll meet them in his next trial and see what I'm talking about...


The hatch I crawled into seemed to lead me right back to the campfire where Meg beckoned me over. "Alright you got it! Now I think it's time for a proper introduction to everyone before the next trial, eh?" I simply nodded in agreement and she began.

"Okay, so this nerdy guy is Dwight. He's pretty shy, and a bit of a scaredy-cat, but he's nice. This here is Claudette, she's a really good botanist so if you're ever injured try and find her! And finally, that one over there is Jake... Uh... Jake tends to prefer to go for walks than talks so we don't know him so well, but he's nice when he does speak!" Meg concluded, looking at me as if to ask if I had any more questions.

"Thanks Meg, it's nice to meet all of you, I'm Y/N." Dwight and Claudette nodded in acknowledgement, and I decided to go take a look around since there was a little while before the next trial started. First of all I had a little look around the cabins, seeing a multitude of names on them I didn't recognise. Nea, Bill, Feng Min... Well, I'm sure I'll meet them eventually. 

Next on my list was the forest, following a hidden and overgrown path I found myself a little ways away from what appeared to be a glowing crack in the ground... It was perfectly straight and looked similar to the ground of that trial as it was... Collapsing I think trapper said.

Despite feeling a strange energy from it, I  pressed onwards until I was stood right next to it, seeing a second set of cabins in a distant clearing. Just as I was about to cross it to take a look, I felt the familiar black smoke and prepared myself to be taken to another trial.


Wraith's POV

I wonder what Trapper was talking about, a friendly survivor? Surely not. Before I got the chance to think about what he was saying I noticed it was my turn to enter the trial grounds. I wonder if I'll see who he's talking about...


As I come to, I notice I'm now in what looks to be a run down scrap yard, with damaged cars and wreckage spread about the area. I know what I'm doing this time, and quickly head over to a generator. After almost finishing it and seeing one already light up across the map I'm wondering where the killer is, it can't be trapper again right?

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