The Hillbilly & Huntress

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So, I'm very aware that a lot of the killers either don't speak or just kinda... Grunt? So for the sake of ease we're saying all of them can talk and at least understand English (Plague, Oni, Spirit etc.) so communication is viable!


I got back to the campfire shortly after Meg called me and she held out what looked to be a toolbox "I found this for you, thought it might come in handy since gens seem to be your thing!" 

I thanked her as I took it, it's pretty light... She seemed to walk around me checking for something "Good, you're not hurt... I was a little worried with you going to the border and everything, haha" she explained then waved and headed off back to the cabins.

You saw there wasn't really anyone else around, I guess the trials were over for today and everyone was going to bed. Perhaps this might be a good time to have a peek over across the boundary? I know they said it was dangerous but they can't kill me outside a trial, so surely it won't be too bad...

Screw it, I need to go have a look! I thought to myself, quickly placing my new toolbox inside my cabin before heading back to the border. To no surprise Trapper and Wraith were gone, but the Killers cabins looked far more active than ours... Nevertheless, I came here to explore so that's what I'm going to do!

Carefully sneaking over the border, I creep through the trees, trying to stay hidden in case those... Not friendly ones are out. I see Trapper and Wraith in the distance, standing with some others.

Suddenly my peeking was cut short as I heard a strained sounding "ough!" from a small distance behind me. Turning around quickly I saw another tall man, holding a chainsaw and what looked to be a hammer of some kind. Immediately taken aback by the stature you stuttered out a "S-Sorry I didn't mean to intrude! Can I... Uh... Get your name?" as I took in his appearance. His skin was disfigured, stretching from his face to his shoulder with staples holding it together in places.

The man made a strange growling like sound before simply saying "Billy." and giving me a strange look. Hesitantly I held out my hand to him "It's nice to meet you Billy, I'm Y/N," there was an awkward pause before he decided to take your hand, giving it a reluctant shake. Well, he doesn't seem too bad either, a little hard to understand but I suppose I'll get used to that.

"Why are you here? Survivors are over there" he gestured towards the boundary with his hammer, trying to figure out my motives.

"Well... Uh... I just wanted to have a look around really..." I responded sheepishly, realising I didn't exactly have a good reason to be here. But that seemed to be a good enough answer for Billy and with another growl he headed off back into the cabins, leaving me alone in the forest. 

I think that might be enough exploring for now, don't want to risk bumping into anyone else...


Hillbilly's POV

Why is this survivor wanting to explore? And know names? We kill, they survive, why do they want to make friends?

Deciding it's not worth any more time questioning it, I get back to my cabin and put my weapons away as I notice the survivor creeping back off into the woods. 

Walking back outside, I find trapper and gesture to his cabin "Traps, in woods." to which he tilts his head questioningly "Why would we need to put traps in the woods, Billy? We don't need to eat, remember, and besides there's barely any regular animals here anyway."

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