Studying with Adiris

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I decided today I wanted to try exploring the fog by myself, I'm fairly confident I can do it! Quickly darting over to it I stood in front of it for a moment, taking a deep breath before stepping in and trying to visualise my destination...

As I stepped out I noticed I was back at The Temple, seeing the large structure in the middle and the fountains spread around the outside. I couldn't see Adiris so I started walking around, just admiring the scenery. It seemed a little weird her temple just being in the middle of the forest but I suppose the entity only wanted the important bit.

Walking around it I saw her sat by the small garden hidden away at the back of the realm, placing new herbs into her censer from one of the plants. Walking over she must've heard my footsteps as she stopped and turned her head to look at me. A small smile appeared on her face and she said something in her language before pointing to the other bed of flowers next to her.

As I got closer she seemed to think for a moment before attempting to translate what she said prior.
"Flower blue, here?" it came out as more of a question, her unfamiliar accent making the words a little difficult to understand but I took a guess that she wanted me to pick one of the flowers for her. Glancing over to the blue ones I went to take one, pausing to make sure this was what she asked before plucking it off the shrub and handing it to her.

Carefully nudging it into her censer she closed it back up and rose from her seat, towering over me a little with how tall she was... She gestured for me to follow her and began striding towards the temple, a sweet aroma trailing behind her and masking the unforgettable stench of death in this realm. Entering the temple, she moved her way down to the lower level, going towards a door I'd never seen there before...

That's unusual, I wonder if the Entity hides the killers' rooms from their realm during a trial? As the door gently swung open I couldn't help but stare in awe. The room was adorned with stunning golden decorations and a great deal of flowering plants which enveloped the room with their scent. She stepped inside and I followed her, noticing a stone plaque on the wall written in, presumably, her language. Out of curiosity I attempted to read the lettering, seeing Adiris turn to me with a small laugh before reading it out perfectly.

I didn't understand what she'd said and she seemed to know this, frowning a little as she mumbled various sounds as if trying to find the words in English. After a few moments she sighed softly and gave me an apologetic smile, turning back to her plants.

Is that a book over there? Huh, what is it about... Wandering over I lightly brushed off the front cover and saw it was a children's dictionary with photos. I took a guess that this was a gift from one of the other killers to help her settle in, that's kind of them whichever one it was.

Opening it up I flicked between the pages, noticing some had faint blood marks on them. It only had quite basic words, the kind you'd teach to a really young child. Though, she seemed to understand everything I was saying so I guess she's just struggling with speaking. Fairly understandable, it is pretty different to her native tongue.

She was busy tending to her plants as I looked at the various scriptures around the room, doing my best to figure out how they're read but obviously failing miserably. Suddenly I had a great idea and called for Adiris, seeing her turn questioningly.
"Can you teach me some of your language, Adiris?"

Her eyes seemed to light up a bit and she nodded, sitting down in a chair in the room.
"Okay uh... How do you say hello?" she thought for a second before responding in her language and repeating it again slowly. I did my best to mimic the sounds, getting fairly close after a few attempts at it. I continued asking about words and short phrases, copying what she responded and seeing her smile excitedly as I got the hang of it.

She grabbed one of the scrolls from a surface and unwrapped it, gesturing to each character and stating the sound of it. She continued to say the sound of each until we'd made it through the whole alphabet and I noticed it had started to get late. She seemed to know it was time for me to be getting back and stood up, writing something out on a small piece of ancient looking paper and handing it to me. I briefly looked at it and saw it was her alphabet with her attempts at converting them to English letters below.
"Thank you Adiris!" I smiled, trying to remember how to say goodbye in her language before letting myself out and jogging back over to the fog.

I'll definitely make sure to practice this more tomorrow...


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