A date with Trapper

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I stayed over one more night with the Legion, but I'm sure Evan must be missing me so I thought I'd head over to say hi this morning. Walking up to his door I gave it a knock, hearing a tired sigh as he came over to open it.

"You always wake me up so early, Y/N, I need my beauty sleep!" 

I just chuckled in response and headed inside, gently closing the door behind me. "Well you don't need the beauty part of it, that's for sure!" I teased back, seeing him roll his eyes and get a little flushed at the compliment.

"Well, what brings you here this morning?" he asked, sitting down onto the sofa next to me obviously trying to suppress a yawn. He really isn't a morning person.

"I thought you'd miss me~ And also I just wanted to spend some more time with you, you're fun" I smiled over at him and shuffled in closer, leaning against his arm which he surprisingly allowed. I'm only just getting a proper feel of it, and god damn is this guy muscular... His arm is rock solid! 

He seemed to get lost in thought for a moment, smiling to himself a little. "I mean, I was planning on cleaning my traps and modifying them today... I guess I could teach you a bit about them if you're interested?" 

I nodded enthusiastically and he immediately seemed to perk up, and I chuckled a little. "You know this will make trials with you incredibly easy, right?" he nodded and just smiled. "I know, but I'd rather have fun teaching you about them than catch you in them." fair enough, that makes sense.

We stayed like this for a few more moments, before I hopped up and patted his head playfully. "Alright so, where are we headed?" he loosely gestured to a slightly hidden door off to the side with a lock on it, huh how have I not noticed this before now...

He came over and unlocked it, swinging the door open and... Wow... If I thought there were a lot of traps in the rest of the cabin this is a whole new league... There are stacks and stacks along what looks to be a workbench. Tools laid out across it alongside assorted metal parts and even some... Padding? What's that for...

While I was busy admiring it, Evan had gone to go put on his mask and was holding something behind his back, gently placing it onto the workbench next to me. "I uh... I made you that mask you wanted..." and I looked over. 

Sure enough, there it was! A slightly smaller version of my favourite mask of his. "Woah, that's so cool! Thank you Evan!!" I got a little over excited and gave him a tight hug, which he reciprocated after a few seconds of surprise. I held on for a few seconds, just enjoying the comfort before letting go and carefully moving to the other side of the work bench. 

He grabbed a couple different looking traps from the piles and laid them out, all disarmed right now.

It didn't take him long to show me each part of them, how to disarm them without risking my fingers and even how to reset them if I ever wanted to mess with him.

Seeing him get so excited about explaining this made my heart flutter a little, he's so passionate about them and it's really sweet...

"I gotta ask, what's the seemingly random padding for? Wouldn't you want them to hurt?" I questioned, once he was done. He pulled out a trap that already had the padding on it and placed it on the ground.

"Step in it. Just trust me, okay?" he offered his hand to me for reassurance and I hesitantly placed my foot onto the pressure pad. The jaws snapped shut but it felt more like a firm grasp than painful. He quickly disarmed it for me and freed me with a smile. "See? It's just meant to restrain, not hurt~ The Entity offers me more rewards for messing with the survivors like this."

I nodded gently, that seems reasonable.  He continued going through all the various things he's been given to modify his traps with, some of them quite unnerving but I'm slightly reassured by their scarcity. I would certainly not like to get caught in a rusted or serrated trap, that's for sure...

After we were done I saw his smile widen through the mouth of his mask. "This is the most exciting part, I'm gonna help you build one of these from scratch!" he said, pulling out a box full of trap parts and old additions for them. He gestured for me to come around his side and held out some protective gloves.

"Try your best not to get caught, these will make sure you don't lose a finger but it will hurt like a bitch..." his tone got a bit more serious and I nodded, putting them on swiftly. 

He took out the main parts of the trap from the box and moved to stand behind me so he could guide my hands, demonstrating how each piece fit together.

I could feel the heat radiating from him with the small distance between us, but I did my best to stay focused. As he said, this will hurt if I slip up... 

I began to assemble the first few pieces, putting together joints and the pressure pad before lastly adding the jaws. He gave me a choice of which to add, and for the sake of my hands I went with the padded ones.

It took probably about an hour from start to finish for me to assemble this, with a couple mistakes slowing me down. But finally, it was all put together. I decided to add a 4-coil spring kit to it alongside the padded jaws, and Evan headed over to rummage through his tools for a moment before coming back over with an engraving tool and standing back behind me.

"Do you want it to say anything special? Or just your name?" Oh boy now this I have to think about. "Can it say anything...?" I tested, seeing him pause then confirm that was the case.

"Make it say [whatever you want it to be], and then add our names to the end!" I grinned, seeing him nod and get to work with the engraver. It was pretty interesting to see up close, I wonder if all his traps have unique engravings on them... Probably not, but a few of them must do.

It took a little while, but eventually it was done and I was super happy with the result. I picked up the trap carefully, looking over my hard work and pulled up my mask to look up at Evan. He moved his aside too and smiled back at me happily.

"Do you like it?" he asked, and I didn't need to answer. I placed it back down gently and pulled him into another hug. "I love it. Thank you Evan." 

Deciding to push my luck a little bit I leaned up, giving him a small kiss on the cheek which definitely caught him off-guard and he froze for a moment. I was about to apologise in case it was too much but he beat me to it and scooped me up, giving me a little smooch on the lips this time.

We both just took in the moment for a few seconds before I smiled and pressed my lips to his again. 

I think we'll just stay like this for a while...


Trapper's POV

I think this is definitely the best day I've had since I got here... Y/N was so interested in my traps too, I was struggling to resist hugging them the entire time we were putting theirs together. 

It really surprised me when they gave me that kiss, I didn't think they liked me like that... But hey, I'm not one to miss opportunities and I'm certainly happy with how this turned out.

I could happily stay here forever, but I know I'll have to put them down eventually. For now though I'm just going to enjoy the moment...


[1376 words]

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