The Realms

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...Heads I share with Joey, Tails with Susie. I threw it up a little way into the air and it landed on...



Heads! Looks like I'm sharing with Joey then. I head towards the ladder of the bunk, climbing up and seeing him already sat up there, turning to me as I get to the top. "So, you picked me huh?" he chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. "Actually the coin picked you"

I sat on the other end of the bed, noticing him take his mask off and hang it off the post. He was... Surprisingly cute. Didn't expect that. He must've caught me staring because he tilted his head. "Like what ya see or somethin?" he mused, catching me a bit off guard.

"Hey, I'm just a little surprised you killers aren't all horrifically ugly under there!" which earned me a playfully offended look. "Okay firstly, I'm a little insulted by that, and secondly that implies you both saw Trapper without his mask and thought he was good looking!" which I didn't really have an answer for. 

I just shrugged a little and smiled. "I mean, he's not bad I guess..." I yawned a little and Joey lifted up the covers next to him, the bed was only a small double so it was a little more confined than Trapper's. I crawled over and slid in next to him, could've sworn I saw him smile again. 

"Since there's not so much space here, you okay with me getting a bit... Closer?" He questioned, sounding a little nervous. To hell with it, he was cute. I gave him confirmation and wiggled back a little which caught him off-guard, but he seemed to get the hint and placed his arm over me.

"Goodnight Joey." I happily mumbled, getting comfortable. 

"Night, Y/N~"



Tails! Looks like I'm sharing with Susie then. I head over to the lower bunk, sitting on the end of it until Susie got back. It didn't take her long to return, taking her mask off and placing it on the side. Under it she was... Really pretty. Her soft facial features were really complimented by her pastel hair. She must've caught me staring because she chuckled softly.

"Is there something on my face?" which caught me a bit off guard. "Oh, no! Sorry, I was just a little surprised you killers aren't all horrifically ugly under there." She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, and also not question you hinting you've seen one of the others without a mask too~" 

I just chuckled softly as she climbed into bed, patting the space next to her. "Cmon don't be shy! I don't bite yknow~" I smiled and let out a small yawn, sliding into bed next to her. "Now, I gotta warn you I'm a bit of a cuddler. You don't mind that do you?" she smiled at me and I shook my head, which earned a happy squeak.

Next thing I knew, Susie had her arms firmly wrapped around me and her face buried into my back, giving me a gentle squish. How cute~

"Goodnight Susie." I happily mumbled, getting comfortable.

"Night night, Y/N~"

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