Photography with Ghostface

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Aimlessly wandering through the forest I realised I'd began following the vaguely familiar path to Ghostface's cabin. I wonder if he'd be in right now? May as well go and see while I'm nearby, right! Heading up to the door I knocked gently, seeing it open ever so slightly and showing a flash of white through the crack. 
"Hi Ghost, whatcha up to?" I smiled, seeing him open the door fully and step aside to let me in. The moment I entered I was fascinated by the web of photographs spread across the walls connected with thin red strings. Most of them had red crosses over the faces which was... A little unsettling, but I suppose it's to be expected.

He must've noticed me staring because he pointed out a specific one in the middle of his main wall to me, the name on it read 'Sidney' and despite his very covering outfit he almost seemed giddy. 
"Sidney?" I quietly questioned and he nodded a little, turning to me.

"My favourite" his voice was a little raspy, but then again he doesn't seem like he's usually that talkative... Continuing to look through the web of pictures I noticed after a few moments that Ghostface had completely vanished, spinning around a few times in confusion I almost jumped out of my skin when he suddenly reappeared behind me holding a camera. He seemed to wave his hand a little in an apologetic manner with a small chuckle, gesturing for me to follow him and leading me upstairs. 

As we reached the top I felt my jaw drop, if I thought the photos were plentiful downstairs up here was insane! They seemed fairly similar, only most of these had more photos pinned underneath them in a stack... Reaching my hand to lift one I felt him swiftly grab my wrist before I reached it. He didn't say anything, simply moved his gaze from me, to his knife, and back to the photos. Ah... I think I can guess the contents of the lower photos...

Deciding to heed his slient warning, I quickly brought my hand back to my side and opted not to peek anymore. Trials may be unsettling, but the killers at least have to obey the entity and play... Nice? Usually, anyway. He quickly slipped into a small room and emerged a moment later with a second smaller camera, handing it to me. Huh, I wonder what he takes photos of out here? It's not like there's often any convenient survivors walking about...

As if he read my mind he pointed vaguely to a small window behind him,
"Animals, usually"
he began walking back down the stairs and I felt a little nervous, unsure if he meant alive animals or not so alive ones... Well, I suppose I'll find out in a minute! He kept walking, out into the woods, turning back occasionally to make sure I was still following him. Before long we reached a small clearing which had... Animals~! And they're alive, at least I think so... It's hard to tell given they're dripping some weird yellow goop...

"This is where Blight leaves his test subjects, I think they're quite pretty" he tilted his head to me and I sort of see what he means, the glowing drips down the animals' fur is morbidly beautiful... Holding the camera up to his face he focused in on a deer a little ways away grazing. A small click and he moved it in to look at it. The deer raised its head and turned towards us, making me jump a little. It had 3 eyes! And all of the orifices on its face were oozing that substance, as if overflowing. Ghostface must've noticed my reaction as I heard him chuckle softly.

"You get used to it," he mused, shifting a little to get some shots of the other wildlife in front of us. Deciding to try the same I lifted the camera to my face, focusing in on a small black and white bunny that had just emerged from the shrubbery. Another click and I glanced at my picture, quite proud with how it looked. To my surprise, the bunny I'd just photographed began hopping gradually towards me sniffing the air slightly.

Kneeling down to get a better look it kept moving closer until it was within reaching distance. I hesitantly moved my hand out, seeing it watching me intently as I placed my hand on it's fur. It stayed right there, allowing me to touch it and I couldn't help but smile. The little thing flopped over onto its side swiftly and as I was petting it a small click was audible from a small distance away. Glancing up I saw Ghostface with his camera pointed at me and the bunny, his head tilted in a friendly manner.

"They've never come up to me before, perhaps they like you~" he sat down himself, keeping a distance presumably to avoid scaring the small ball of fur laying in front of me. I chuckled slightly at the thought and looked over to see him flicking through his photos. A moment later I felt the small animal in front of me hope upright, giving my hand a small headbutt and hopping back off into the woods. How cute...

There were still some more animals around, so I decided to spend some time capturing them all before it was time to leave. I managed to get to all of them before I felt a hand tap my shoulder from behind, startling me a little.
"Sorry, didn't mean to spook you," Ghost's soft voice appeared behind me and he gestured towards the skyline. "It's starting to get late, I should be taking you back." 

Looking around I realised he was right, it had started to dim outside so I nodded and followed him back along the trail to his cabin. By the time we returned it was getting significantly darker and he hummed to himself slightly as we wandered inside, moving to his living room. Following him much like a lost puppy he looked between the window and myself a few times with his hand over his mask in a manner that would indicate thought.

"It's late, would you like to stay here tonight?" he eventually questioned, breaking the silence between us. "Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you Ghost," I smiled at him and he nodded, then seeming to pause as though he realised something. "...I only have one bed," he mumbled slightly, rubbing the back of his head. "You wouldn't mind being on the sofa, right? I'd let you take mine but I don't like others being in my room without me there..." he trailed off a little, and I guessed he had more sentimental items in there he was worried I'd look through.

Without thinking about what I was saying I shrugged a little "We could share?" I blurted out, pausing momentarily "If you want to of course, the sofa is fine too," I hurriedly added on the end, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. A small chuckle came out from behind his mask and he waltzed past me, grabbing my hand as he passed and walking me upstairs. He brought me to the closed door and unlocked it, nudging it open and bringing me inside. His room was mostly dark, but it looked about as you'd expect. A few more photos lay about here and there, though these were definitely the ones at the bottom of the stacks... 

I couldn't help but notice one in particular on his desk and chuckle slightly. The contents were indeed morbid, but the jovial posing of Ghost in front of his work was an amusing contrast. He caught me looking and made a small nervous laugh, clearly unsure of my thoughts. "They're creative" I mumbled, seeing him relax slightly. I didn't want to snoop too much so I headed straight to his bed, sitting on the edge of it and noticing how tired I really was.

The sound of shifting cloth caught my attention and I saw Ghost putting away his coat and boots, seeing him in fairly regular clothing being a little strange. Of course, he still donned his mask though I saw him reach a hand to it and pause, looking over at me as I shifted to lay down. Oh! Obviously he doesn't sleep in it... Getting the message I lifted my hands up to my face, concealing my eyes.
"I won't look, don't worry" I reassured him, hearing one more piece of clothing shift a second later and a weight sink down the bed next to me. I couldn't help but smile knowing he felt comfortable enough to remove his mask at all around me, even if he was still hesitant about me looking.

I felt him roll to be facing me and I hesitantly reached behind me, finding his arm and pulling it over my side I heard him make a small questioning hum. "You want me to hug you...?" he asked softly, his voice a little smoother now it wasn't muffled slightly by his mask. He sounded a little surprised and I laughed a little. "It's comfier..." I began, pausing a little before continuing. "...And you're warm,"

I felt myself being scooped back a little until I was pressed into his chest, heat radiating off him as his strong arms held me close. Relaxation swept over me and I began to drift off to sleep, feeling safe in Ghost's arms.
"Goodnight Ghost..." I mumbled a little, hearing him take a deep breath behind me.


I made a small noise of confusion before it clicked: He just told me his actual name! Chuckling softly I corrected my prior statement. "Goodnight Danny~"

"Goodnight Y/N~"


[1634 words]

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