Pizza Party

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Wandering back to the Survivor's camp for once the familiar smell of... Pizza hit me! Following it to the source of the smell I saw the other survivors with what looked like a large stack of boxes. "Woah, what's all this??" I exclaimed, seeing Ace turn to me with a grin. "We don't know, the Entity felt like being nice to us I suppose!" 

I wonder if the killers like pizza... A lot of them have probably never had it, being from so long ago... "Mind if I take a few boxes?" I questioned, getting a nod from Ace. "Why not, we've got plenty to share" thanking him I did some quick maths to make sure I brought enough for every killer to have a slice. It seemed to just be regular cheese and tomato pizza but hey! Pizza is pizza! Making my way over the border I saw Spirit presumably having a walk ahead of me. "Hey Rin! The Entity gave us pizza!" I beamed, seeing her turn and phase over. "Woah... And you brought enough for everyone, how thoughtful~ I'll let the others know." she smiled and promptly vanished before my eyes. Her doing that is still hard to get used to...

Walking into the middle of camp it seems she'd already let a few people know, as I saw Huntress, Billy, Trapper and even Michael was here - standing a fair distance away, of course. Setting the boxes onto the ground I opened one up and had to do everything possible to resist digging in right away. Fortunately the rest of the killers made their way to the middle soon enough and I brought the box around, making sure everyone got a piece. As expected, a lot of them seemed confused by the new food. "What is this strange food Y/N?" Adiris questioned, understandably the most bewildered by it. Her English was getting much better now, and I was quite impressed with how quickly she was picking it up.

"This is pizza Adiris, it's really good try it!" I encouraged, watching her take a bite and seem surprised. "Yes, it is good." she smiled and continued digging in. It was quite entertaining watching the killers try to eat pizza without removing their masks and I grabbed my own slice, wandering over to where Ghostface and Michael had decided to reside, away from the others. "How are my 2 favourite stalkers?" I mused, hearing Ghostface laugh and Michael just breathe deeply as usual. "We're doing great Y/N, thanks for bringing the pizza. Feels like forever since I've had this!" we both laughed softly and I saw Michael turn away, quickly realising he didn't want to lift his mask at all around me. "Oh, sorry Mikey! I forgot you're a tad more shy than the others, I'll leave you be, yeah." I waved myself off, giving them some space and going over to where Rin and Oni had sat down. 

They seemed to be the most collected of the killers and Oni seemed to be thoroughly inspecting his slice. I heard Rin say something in Japanese, sounding a little exasperated. She heard me approaching and waved "Hey Y/N, he's being a bit cautious of it and I'm trying to convince him he won't die from a slice of pizza..." she rolled her eyes a little and raised her arms in mock celebration as we saw Oni raise his mask and take a bite. Nodding happily he finally ate it properly. Saying something else that I didn't understand I saw Rin smile. "He likes it and says thanks." Although he wouldn't understand me without Rin's translation I answered him anyway and moved on to the next few killers. As I was deciding who to see next, a hand tapping my shoulder startled me. Spinning around I saw deathslinger stood behind me and caught my breath.

"My bad for startling ya, just wanted to thank you before I headed off." he nodded his hat to me and began walking back to his cabin. He still scares me a little, but he seems like an okay guy. Glancing over to the Legion it seemed to be a little chaotic and I made the executive decision to let them calm down... Demo was also with them, hopping around like an overexcited puppy and screeching quite loudly as they seemed to be throwing him small bits from his slice. 

Most of the others had finished their pizza and headed back inside now, and since Michael seemed to have finished I headed back over to them. To my surprise as I was about to say hi I heard a gruff "thank you" come from under his mask. My jaw dropped and Ghostface seemed equally as stunned as we both looked up at the usually silent Michael. "Did you just talk, big guy??" Ghostface blurted out, seeing Michael nod after a few seconds. I just smiled up at him after a moment and laughed. "I'm honoured, glad you liked it Mikey." he patted my head in a friendly manner and I chatted with Ghostface for a while, only getting notes from Michael now but that was fine.

Soon enough the others had gone back inside and I cleared up the remaining boxes, having been invited to go watch some scary movies with the stealth killers. Walking over to Michael's cabin he let me inside and brought me to the others where I saw Danny and Amanda choosing what we were going to watch. As expected, both of them wanted to see their own films and a playful argument insued before the dinging of a bell interrupted them. I hadn't even realised Wraith was here until he uncloaked himself, and to our relief he solved the argument by deciding that we'd watch both, starting with Scream which everyone seemed to be happy with. Settling down on the sofa I took my place next to Danny, feeling him sling an arm around my shoulders and seeing him lift his mask enough to see his grin. This is going to be a fun evening, I can already tell.

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