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Wandering around the camp I saw Evan wave to catch my attention, walking over to me briskly.
"Hey! Did you know that new killer is doing some kind of show to introduce himself?" his voice sounded oddly excited for once. 
"Uh... I don't think so, no? The new guy was that celebrity right?" he nodded to confirm, chuckling slightly.
"Apparently he wanted to recreate his last show, but the Entity is strict about his 'no kill' policy and shut that idea down pretty fast... So instead he's just going to perform some of his songs."

This sounded interesting, and certainly like a fun way to make his acquaintance. Evan took my hand and brought me along with him, happily making guesses about what it would look like along the way.

Reaching the location, we saw a clearing with a fairly simple yet flashy stage. The whole thing was pulsing with pink neon light strips and it was mesmerising.
"Woah" was all I could manage to say as I took in the sight. Suddenly the sound of a new voice rang out behind me.

"Wonderful, isn't it~? If only the Entity didn't turn down my idea, I'm sure you'd have been a willing volunteer hm~?" I turned to see the bloodied man standing behind me. I made a small nervous laugh, unsure what he was implying by volunteer. Lucky for me Evan stepped in and set the record straight.

"This is Y/N, even though they're a survivor we are not to harm them in any way. Got that, Trickster?" he stated, firmly. I saw the other one tut in disappointment and head towards the back of the stage.
"Trickster? Is that his name?" I looked up at Evan and saw him shrug a little
"Apparently. He's certainly a weird one..."

We saw some of the other killers start to show up, and I went to greet each of them. The last three who showed up I assumed were the ones who were less friendly. They sure look like that's the case. Evan must have noticed them too as he placed his arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to him protectively. He's such a sweetheart...

 They sat down in the rows of seats near the back, but even still I felt my hair start to get static-y which was weird. Evan found it quite funny though and had to hold back a laugh as he explained. 
"That'll be doctor's passive electricity, don't worry though it shouldn't affect you any more than that out here." 

Spirit was sat on the other side of me and chuckled softly at my hair starting to stick up, probably finding our new likeness amusing.

Before I got the chance to think about it much more, the sky seemed to dim unnaturally and I felt an unnerving presence above us. Is the Entity himself watching? Well, I suppose the guy has to find entertainment outside of trials somehow... Or maybe he's just here to supervise, it's hard to tell...

The lights on the stage became illuminated, highlighting the Trickster's decorative coat as he walked to the front and music began to play...

Once the show was over I was a little starstruck, his stage presence was incredible and his skill equally so. There was a small murmur amongst the killers, mostly sounding approving as they began to head back home since it was getting late. I noticed Demo setting up a portal and quickly headed over to give him a pat before he went home, he's such a good... puppy? Yeah, let's go with that.

I noticed the electric guy, Doctor I think talking with Evan and was a little nervous. I wanted to go back over to stand with him but not so much with that guy hanging around... I noticed Spirit phase herself over to me, she seemed to be quite good at picking up on people's feelings.

"Hey... You okay...?" she tilted her head curiously, following my gaze over to Evan.
"Ah..." she mumbled, quickly seeing the problem and chuckling softly. She thought about her words for a moment and gently grabbed my arm, leading me over.

"Doctor... Not that bad... It's okay..." she gave me a reassuring smile as we approached. My hair started to stick up again which was a little amusing and we paused a few metres away. The doctor guy turned to me and laughed unnaturally, sending a small shiver up my spine.

"So this is your pet survivor you've been keeping hidden, is it Trapper?" I couldn't tell what expression he was making thanks to the clamps, nervously reaching for Evan's hand as Spirit wandered off.

"Firstly, don't call them that it's weird, and secondly you were the one who barely agreed to be nice." Evan responded, sounding quite defensive of me. The doctor laughed again and turned away, walking off which made my hair slowly return to normal.

Yeah... I don't think I'd like to shake his hand...

"Sorry about that, Y/N... Do you have any plans this evening?" his voice perked up a little at the end and I shook my head no.

"Mind if I steal you, then?" he chuckled playfully, walking me back to the cabins.

"Not at all"


[878 words]

Author's Note: Sorry for the chapter being quite short, I'm getting a little low on filled out ideas and I didn't want to pad this with too much extra. I'll try to make the next chapter(s) longer to make up for it! Ty for reading <3

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