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I woke up, briefly confused by the silence. Shouldn't bill be waking us all up by now? Rubbing my eyes gently I roll onto my back and suddenly remember where I am, seeing Evan all curled up beside me. I wonder if all the killers look this docile when sleeping, it really seems like there's nothing to be afraid of in the man next to me right now... 

He looks comfy, I feel like I should just get up and let him sleep but I can't resist giving him at least a little hug. Wrapping my arms around him I gently squished for a second before getting up and heading off into the cabin to get myself ready for the day ahead.


Trapper's POV

I didn't expect to wake up early today, until I felt two smaller arms wrap themselves around me and a head rest on my shoulder for a moment. Of course, I pretended to still be asleep, I don't think I was supposed to wake up from that but it was nice. I could certainly get used to that being a part of my mornings... 

I'll stay in for a bit longer so it's not obvious I woke up, don't want to embarrass them or anything, haha...


Even though the entity ensures we don't die outside of trials for any reason, it still makes us feel hungry. I suppose that's a good thing, makes sure we still feel somewhat alive in here! Heading to what looks like Trapper's kitchen I have a peek into the cupboards and I'm not really surprised at the lack of contents. This guy has a few cans of soup and some cereal that looks like it went out of date a long time ago... Yikes...

Well, I suppose I can't expect much and opened up one of the soup tins to start preparing it. As it was heating I heard a tired grumble come from the bedroom and a sleepy looking Evan appeared in the doorway. "Sorry for the lack of food and all, I don't usually have guests who need to eat." 

His hair was a little messier than usual, how cute. "That's alright, though you might want to throw out that cereal, it's pretty gross dude..." 

He went to go look at it, seeing what I was talking about and chuckling a little. "Yeah, you have a point there. That soup nearly done, Y/N?" he asked, just as I began to look for some bowls to serve it into. I eventually found two and dished up, handing one to him which he happily took and started to eat. 

"So, I thought you guys didn't get hungry based on your comment about guests needing to?" I decided to question, due to the way he's eating implying otherwise. "Oh, we don't really get hungry as such, the Entity likes to remove all 'distractions' from us. But food tastes good so we still eat and stuff sometimes." well that makes sense I suppose.

He quickly finished his bowl and headed back to the room to get changed, coming back out with his mask in hand and holding it up next to my head. "Evan? What are you doing?" 

"I'm trying to see how much smaller you are, yknow, so I can get you a mask that fits properly." at the mention of it I must've visibly perked up "So, you're interested then?" he teased me a little, chuckling softly. "Yeah, go on then. Matching masks sounds fun. But, I wanna pick which pretty one I get a version of!!" 

We kept talking back and forth for a little longer before I decided I should head back to the survivors camp. They'll be wondering where I am by now, huh. I said my goodbyes to Evan and left his cabin, bumping into a new face on the way out. 

She turned to face me, her blank eyes a little startling alongside her blue-ish skin. She seemed to smile, and with an ethereal sounding voice started speaking to me in slightly broken English. "You... Sleep here? With Trapper?" her figure twitched unnaturally and I just laughed nervously "Um, yeah, it got late and the walk back was a bit long. What's your name, by the way?" 

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