Quality time with Wraith

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While I was walking around camp, I saw Wraith trying to clean his bell without ringing it, seeming to put in a lot of focus. I guess being cloaked repeatedly would get a little annoying.

"Hey Wraith! I've been wondering, does your bell only cloak you or anyone who holds it?" I went and sat next to him, waiting for an answer.

"Only me, but it feels strange for someone else to have it anyway." I nodded and paused. I know I shouldn't do this but I'm incredibly curious... I tapped the bell twice quickly and heard Wraith sigh lightheartedly as he became cloaked, tapping it again and becoming visible a moment later.

"Sorry, you know I had to" I giggled softly, getting him to laugh with me. He shook his head a little and smiled. "I was half expecting you to run off with it like The Legion did a while back, it was a right pain trying to get them to return it you know. I spent a whole day disappearing and reappearing completely out of my control!"

Okay, that's too funny. I couldn't help but laugh at his reminiscence, just trying to picture the members of Legion ringing the bell over and over while a cloaking and uncloaking Wraith runs behind them to catch up is hilarious.

He seemed to have finished cleaning and smiled, looking quite proud. He turned to me after a moment "Hey uh, I was planning on going for a walk through the forest after this... Would you... Maybe like to come with me?" he tilted his head curiously.

"I'd love to, just don't leave me behind, haha" I hopped up from where we were sitting and waited for him to walk ahead, following close behind.


Wraith's POV

I'm pretty excited to be able to spend some time with Y/N today. They've been kinda busy talking to the others for a bit so I haven't had a chance to hang out. 

I think I'll take them to that cool place I found a little while back, if it's still there of course...


We headed off into the forest, for once following a proper path! There were quite a few crows up in the trees, I suppose it makes sense that they live here outside of trials too.

"Are there any other animals here aside from the crows?" I turned to look at him, seeing him shrug. "Well, we don't know for sure... During the pustula season there's often glowing small creatures around, probably test subjects for blight. But the rest of the time we've never seen any."

Well, perhaps they're just afraid. I don't really blame the poor things. I gave a small nod of acknowledgement and we kept walking, the path gradually getting less used.

I started to see a small wooden building ahead, I couldn't quite make out what it was but Wraith seemed quite cheery to see it.

"It's still here!" I heard him mumble in slight disbelief. As we got closer I started to make out the shapes and it looked like a kind of arbour. There was a small clearing around it and some wonderful smelling flowers planted in boxes either side of the seated areas. Beautiful...

"Woah... Who made this? It's stunning..." Wraith smiled at me happily "I don't know who made it, but I wanted to show it to you. I'm glad you like it."

The flowers were intriguing, they looked mostly normal but somehow not at the same time. I went over to the ones that looked like tulips first, gently touching their petals. Huh, that's odd.

Instead of feeling delicate like I'd expect, it was as though these flowers were meant to withstand a lot... I'd love to find out why but I somehow don't think I'm going to.

Well, the freakishly strong flowers are interesting, but the arbour is even more so. It looked incredibly clean and well kept for something out in the middle of the forest. There were even some pillows onto it.

I couldn't figure out what was on the pillows, but for some reason looking at them filled me with a kind of dread... Weird...

Ignoring the strange feeling I got from the pillows, I sat down finding it pretty comfortable. I patted the seat next to me for Wraith which he took a moment later. "So... How did you find this place?"

"Just stumbled across it during a walk some time ago. I didn't mention it to the others, though, so please keep quiet about it."

Gotcha, no mentioning the weird forest arbour.

Testing my luck I slid my hand closer to Wraith's slowly, seeing him not take much notice until I nudged it softly. He paused for a moment and looked down curiously, not seeming to know what to do.

Well that's new, Wraith hasn't held hands before?

Giving him some help I just took his hand gently, waiting for his reaction. We stayed like that for a few seconds before he gently squeezed my hand and smiled. Success!

There wasn't much to say for a little while, the both of us just enjoying the scenery and time together. It was peaceful out here, I suppose even the entity isn't all doom and gloom...

I was a little spaced out when I felt Wraith squeeze my hand gently, turning to see him holding a small flower. Before I got the chance to say anything he slid it into my hair, smiling excitedly.

"It looks nice. Now you can keep a part of here safe." he nodded approvingly at me, that was sweet of him.

Unfortunately, it was approaching sunset so we had to head off, walking back down the path until we eventually arrived at camp. The sunset in this realm is stunning, and at my request we paused for a minute to watch it before heading inside.

Wraith had a spare bed in his cabin which I took, carefully placing the flower onto the bedside table. I hope it's still here in the morning, I guess I'll find out...


Wraith's POV

Today was awesome. I'm happy I got to spend almost a whole day just talking to Y/N. I'm not sure what the holding hands thing was for, but it was nice regardless.

I hope we get to spend more time together in future...


[1064 words]

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