There Was A Chapter Here (Edited)

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So there was another chapter here where you meet the rest of the Legion and hang out, but by the looks of it Wattpad decided to throw it into the void for no apparent reason...? I have no idea where it went and I don't really have enough time to rewrite it all so...

Sorry. I guess you're just going to have to imagine it unless I manage to figure out what the fuck this stupid app did to just delete it like that :/

Really hate this app at times...

EDIT: I don't think I'm going to be able to get it back so I'll instead add a brief summary of what happened until I get some free time to properly re-write it:

After the trial, you came out and met the rest of the legion and played some games with Susie and Joey. Susie took you to the fog and you went to go see the Plague, had a little chat then went back. Then we went out to Ghostface's hidden away cabin and said hello to him before going home with the legion and flipping a coin to decide who to share a bed with.
(Which is why the next chapter starts with heads or tails!)

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