Chapter 24

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Greece 7.30 a.m.
Grayson POV -

I'm sitting with my back against the headboard of the hotel bed. Kian is asleep next to me. David, Jeff and Todd are curled up in Ethan's bed and Jason and the others are scattered all over the floor. Everyone is fast asleep. I'm still trying to comprehend what happened yesterday. I'm glad we found y/n. Not so stoked about the state we found her in, getting choked out and being molested by Mike. I feel nauseous, thinking about it and my stomach is in knots when I replay Ethan attacking the man like a wild animal. I've never seen him like this. He was like a bull seeing red and there was no way anyone was gonna stop him. It took us 5 people, including Shawn's bodyguard to get Ethan off Mike. Ethan's face was dripping blood but I don't think he realized or cared, cause he kept raging like the hulk. I don't think I've ever been this scared for my brother and these flashbacks bring tears to my eyes. I pause the survival video I'm watching on my phone, when I hear Ethan barging in. I hear him sniffling before he locks himself in the bathroom. Ava runs in, her face pale. "Ethan.." I say calmly, trying to convince him to open the door. I'm looking at Ava's pale and concerned face and the knots in my stomach are back. "What happened?" I whisper to her. She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. "Ethan.." I repeat in a calm tone of voice. "Can you please let me in?" I say and I hear the door unlock.

I look up at Ava who is now biting her lip out of nerves. Everytime she bites down her dimples appear. I put my right hand under her chin and let my thumb trace her lower lip. Pulling her lip down, away from her teeth. "Don't bite your lip.." I whisper as I bring my hand to her cheek and carefully put her hair behind her ear. I open the bathroom door and walk in, while keeping my eyes locked on Ava. When I close the door that is now in between Ava and me, our eye contact breaks. Hearing Ethan's shallow breathing makes me move my gaze away from the bathroom door, to him. He is sitting on the closed toilet lit, his elbows resting on his knees and his face buried in his hands. His shoulders moving up and down on the rhythm of his sobs.

I'm an empathetic person. I hate to see people getting hurt, I hate to see people cry. But there is nothing that affects me more than seeing Ethan cry. I'm swallowing the lump that's in my throat as I squat down next to him. "Ethan.." I say softly while placing my hand on his shoulder. I gently but firmly squeeze his shoulder once, in an attempt to give him all strength I have in me and let my hand travel down his back. Deliberately caressing his back until his breathing calms down and his sobs decrease. "What happened?" I ask him after a couple of minutes. He rubs the tears away and looks at me. His eyes are swollen and his bruise is now dark purple. Ethan is trying his hardest to compose himself. But his trembling bottom lip reveals that he can break down again any second.

"She panicked, when she saw me." He says, visibly trying to suppress bursting out in tears. His breathing jagged. "And I-.. And I wasn't able to calm her down." He bawls, burying his face in his hands again. I get on my knees in front of him and wrap my arms around him. Holding him close to me, as close as possible, resting my head on his shoulder. I was hurt when y/n broke up with me and I didnt think there would be anything in the world that hurts more than losing someone you love. But I was wrong. Seeing someone you love getting hurt tops it all. "She has been through a lot, Ethan." I breathe quietly. "She has been harmed. Physically.. mentally." I add, trying to sound calm, but my voice is shaky. "I know you're the only one who can fix her broken parts, give it time." I continue.

Am I lying to him? Has Mike really broken her beyond the point of no return? Is she ever going to recover from this entire situation? Did this destroy the real connection Ethan and y/n once had? The magic they used to breathe around eachother. "Come.." I say as I get up. "Let me take you to Ava's room. You need to get some sleep and David is asleep in your bed." I add. Ethan looks up at me in panic. "Breathe, E." I say. "Shawn is keeping an eye on y/n.. I will keep an eye on y/n. Just breathe."

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