Chapter 41

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Italy 8 p.m.
Grayson POV -

I couldn’t bear to stay in the room while they all watched me having sex with Emma. A few weeks ago, it would have been because of y/n and what it did to her to find me in bed with someone else, but now it’s just pure humiliation and regrets. Ava is in the room, she must be disgusted by me now, fuck this is messing with my head more than I expected it to. I’m pacing the hallway, my hands in my hair, I need them to stop watching that tape. I quickly turn around to go back to the room, but I collide into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry!” I say before realizing its Ava. Her cheeks are all red and she doesn’t look me in the eyes. See, I knew it I fucked this up even before it started.

“I’m sorry” I repeat this time bringing my hand to her face cupping her cheek, her skin is soft and warm, I let my thumb caress it. Ava looks up at me with questioning eyes “What are you sorry for?” she asks. “For what you saw in there” I reply shamefully, dropping my hand from her face.

Ava chuckles and I am confused, what’s so funny about this? I thought she’d be upset. “Grayson, you don’t have to be sorry. It is not your fault, you had no idea you were being set up” Ava’s voice is soft, reassuring and she’s instantly calming my rapid heartbeat. “Thank you” I breathe as I grab both her hands getting closer to her. She bashfully looks down before looking at me slightly tilting her head “No thank you!” she says. “What for?” I ask her confused. Ava releases her right hand from mine and brings it to the back of my neck, bringing my face to her eye level.

She slowly brings her face to the side and whispers in my ear “For the preview.” I stopped breathing, is she saying what I think she is saying? “You, you, you liked what you saw?” I ask, my voice lower than a whisper, our bodies are now pressed against each other, her face still by my ear. “Yes, very much” Ava breathes before grazing her teeth on my earlobe. That’s it. That’s too much, I pull away and grab her by the hand leading her to her bedroom. Ava is giggling behind me, but stops as soon as I turn around to ask her for the key, she pulls it out of her back pocket and I let us in. As soon as the door closes I grab her face with both my hands and plants my lips on hers. Our kiss starts slow, our heads tilting at the exact same time to allow our tongues to meet and dance together.

Ava’s hands are on my back pressing me closer to her as she walks backwards until her back hits the door. We are now breathing hard, the intensity of the kiss making me aware of every inch of her body. The way she plays with my bottom lip is driving me insane; she’s pulling it, sucking on it and each time she does it is so deliberate, so slow, it is so sensual it turns me the fuck on. I pull away long enough to take my shirt off that I throw on the ground and Ava mimics my action by taking off her tank top leaving her with the sexiest tiniest triangle shaped bra I have ever seen. We lock eyes and I lick my lips as I watch her flushed face “Come here” she breathes pulling me closer to her. I let my hand travel down her body and inches her leg up so that I can press myself on her sweet spot.

Ava’s head tilts back as she lets out a moan, I take the opportunity to leave kisses on her neck but when I sink my teeth down her warm skin she hits her head on the door. It doesn’t seem to faze her, but I need her to be comfortable for what I want to do to her. I lift her other leg up and carry her to the bed, her legs are wrapped around my waist while her lips don’t leave my face. We are both panting when I lower her down and get on top of her “Do you want this?” I ask her as I press my lips on hers barely pulling away to let her give me her answer.

Ava’s tongue pulls out of my mouth to trace my lips before she wraps hers on my upper lip “Yes” she breathes as she pushes me by my shoulders for me to lay down on my back. Ava straddles me, my hands go from her bare thighs to her ass as she unhooks her bra and let it fall on my stomach. I cup her round and firm boobs and lift my upper body to lick her nipples. Her hands are in my hair and soft moans escape her mouth. I am so hard it start to be painful, I need more. Ava is rocking her hips on me, her breathing getting more and more irregular.

Fuck, she’s so sexy and the only thing separating us from skin to skin contact is our shorts. I grab her by the waist and flip us over, my lips not leaving her body as I make my way down while pulling her shorts down her legs. Ava is quick and is already pulling down her panties, but I stop her by placing my hand on her center. “Let me” I tell her locking eyes with her “Oh my God Grayson, please I can’t wait any longer” she says dropping her head back on the bed.

Damn, I don’t think she realizes the effect that she’s having on me right now. I pull her panties down to where her shorts are, I need her to lift her ass for me, but Ava seem to have other plans. Before I can react she’s on her knees pushing me back on the bed, she quickly gets rid of her shorts and underwear and she’s now pulling my shorts down. Before I know it, I feel her hand on my boner, holy shit she’s stroking me while licking and kissing my neck. I can’t help the groan that escapes my lips, my eyes are closed as I feel her hand gripping me with the perfect amount of pressure. I let my hands touch her back and follow the curve of her body until I am squeezing her ass cheek, I am getting ready to place my hand on her sweet spot when I feel Ava’s lips on my chest.

Perfect she’s leaning forward now, giving me better access to her warm and wet center, her hair is grazing my skin giving me goosebumps. Just when my fingers are about pleasure her, my eyes shoot open when I feel her mouth on my member. Her warm lips are wrapped around my dick and when I look down she’s already looking at me through her lashes. Ava winks at me before taking more of me in, “Fuck...Ava...Oh my God!” I groan, she is going to make me cum with her tongue on my shaft and her eyes, her eyes are driving me crazy. She is clearly enjoying torturing me. I pull her up as I say “Stop, stop babe, I can’t cum already”, Ava releases my dick but not before sucking on the tip of it and licking my pre-cum like it was a lollipop.

I pull her face towards mine and speak my words on her lips “You are out of this world.” Ava giggles as she kisses my lips, just a peck before saying “I want you” as she lowers herself on my erected dick. We both tilt our head back as she slowly allows her body to adjust to mine. She’s holding herself steady with her hands on my shoulders, while mine are on her waist, gently and slowly rocking her back and forth. Her breathing stops and I see her wince, I stop my movement immediately “Are you ok?” I ask as I kiss her shoulder. “I am, you’re bigger than I ever had” she breathes and for the first time since we’ve been in bed, I see some vulnerability. We keep our eyes locked as she lowers herself on me at her own pace; her nipples are hard, her cheeks and her lips are red, her hair is a perfect mess, she’s beautiful.

Our noses are touching, our lips inches apart as we both breathe in each other, this is the most intimate sex has ever felt for me. I groan and lean forward to rest my forehead on her shoulder as I am now fully inside her, she is rocking her body finding her rhythm, her eyes closed, her hands going from my shoulders to my hair tilting my head up bringing our lips together. My tongue is begging for hers, but Ava gets distracted and keeps her mouth slightly open with her eyes closed tight, her breathing accelerates. Damn she feels so good, I can tell that she found the right spot for her, it’s turning me on even more, I don’t know how that’s possible. When she moans my name on my lips, I lose it and flip us around so that I am on top of her.

Her eyes are on mine as I position myself to enter her tight and wet spot, I crave her like, I need her like I need air. I hold myself up as I start moving inside of her, I thrust deep and slow into her and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her hands are on my face, brushing my hair out of my face, our eyes are locked as I make love to her. Ava’s moans are going to take me over the edge, I start to thrust faster but still as deep as I can. She’s close, I can tell by the look in her eyes and her breathing, her nails are digging in my upper back as she arches her back meeting my thrusts in perfect rhythm until she closes her eyes and moans my name as she cums.

"Look at me” I breathe on her lips, she does and the look I see takes me over the edge, I kiss her as I do. We fit. We made love like professionals on the first time. She’s mine, I’m hers. We fit.

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