Chapter 46

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Atlantic Ocean 12 p.m.
Ethan POV –

Y/n is comfortably cuddled up against me, with her face buried in my neck. Her deep breathing reveals that she’s fast asleep. I’m playing with the engagement ring that is sparkling on her ring finger and rest my head on her head. I’m finally taking her back home and that is the best feeling in the world. I close my eyes, trying to catch some sleep when the sound of Ava climbing over Grayson right next to me drowns out the sound of the plane's engine roaring. I look over at the two of them and instead of Ava, quickly hopping over Grayson’s lap, she’s now sitting on his lap. Kissing his lips, before she slowly gets up to set foot in the aisle between our seats.

Gray is pretty much drooling at this point and biting his lip. That horny look in his eyes scares me, when I think about how we’re going to be stuck on this plane for the next 9 hours. I sigh as I see Ava, now standing with her back towards me and leaning in again to kiss Grayson, poking her ass out towards my face. “Great! Absolutely amazing!” I whisper as I roll my eyes exasperated. I see David and Jeff turned around in their pods, peeking over their seats and laughing at me rolling my eyes. David gives me a thumbs up, while Jeff acts out that I should spank Ava’s ass. I shake my head as I give them the finger, again and again! Until they turn back around in their seats.

Ava pulls away from the kiss and slowly straightens her back, before she walks off towards the toilet in the back of the plane. Rocking her hips from side to side. Grayson sits up and is still drooling, he slowly turns his head around his seat, to see Ava walk away. I stare at him in disbelief and lean in a bit towards the aisle. But he is so focused on his girlfriend’s ass that he doesn’t even realise I’m inches away from his ear. I lift my hand a little and give him a good slap on the back of his head. “Shit! Ethan!” He yells through the entire plane as he looks at me and rubs his head. His brows furrowed in anger. “Wipe the drool of your face, dude!” I say as I sit back up and gently place y/n’s face back in my neck. She is still breathing deep and slow.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look as cute as she does while sleeping. Her bottom lip pouting a bit and those beautiful freckles splattered all over her nose. It makes me want to touch her skin again. I caress her cheek with my hand when I look back over at Grayson. He keeps looking over his shoulder to see if Ava is already on her way back and seems to have forgotten about me and the slap on his head. He better behave! I try to get comfortable in my seat and grab y/n’s hand, so I can start playing with her engagement ring again and twirl it around her finger. My eyes are slowly closing when I once again get distracted by noise next to me. My eyes shoot open and I sigh loudly as I turn my head towards Grayson, who now is unbuckling his seatbelt.

I lean forward a bit, to look at the seat next to Grayson, but Ava is still not back. Gray gets up from his seat and makes his way to the toilet in the back when I grab his wrist. “Ethan! Let go!” He whispers loudly as he tries to pull his arm away from me. “Sit down! The toilet is occupied!” I breathe in his direction. I see the smirk growing on his face as he wiggles his wrist away from my fingers. “Is it? I had no idea!” He says with this mischievous grin on his face as he slowly walks off. “I’m telling the cabin crew!” I silently yell after him and he turns around with his hands up and shrugs. “Gotta do, what you gotta do!” He laughs as he walks off out of eyesight. “Shit!” I breathe, not being able to get up because of y/n sleeping on top of me. “Is he fucking serious?!” I say to myself.

Now I’m the one looking over my shoulder constantly to see if at least one of them comes back from the toilet. Time crawls by slowly. I kindly smile at the cabin crew that passes by every now and then to provide us with drinks and snacks. Aren’t they wondering why there are two empty seats all of a sudden? I’m startled by y/n who suddenly pulls her hand away from mine. She must be annoyed with me twirling around that ring on her finger. But she just gently repositions herself and snuggles her nose even further in my neck. I brush my fingers through her hair and tilt my cheek on her head when Ava quietly walks up to her seat and sits back down. I look over at her and we lock eyes. Her hair looks wild and her cheeks are flustered.

She’s readjusting her sweater and quickly pulls the hood over her head to hide from my opinionated eyes. “You had a nice poop?” I yell in her direction and she slowly turns her head towards me, peeking at me from under the hood. Her cheeks are now bright red and she aggressively flips me off. I reciprocate the gesture with my middle finger and just when she’s about to look away I call her name. Ava again peeks at me from under the hood of her sweater and I bring my thumb and index finger to the corners of my mouth and wipe it, as if I’m telling her there’s something on her lips. Her eyes widen and she quickly wipes her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie, revealing all the disgusting things she just did. Her reaction makes me laugh out loud, just when Grayson walks back to his seat next to me.

He’s sweating and has this determined look on his face that makes his jaw clench. He doesn’t pay any attention to me and like I’m not even sitting next to him, like there is no one else in this plane, he slides his hand in between Ava’s legs. I see her flinch and hear Grayson breathe: “I’ll have to punish you for teasing me like that.”. It makes Ava chuckle and it makes me want to throw up. Can they stop having sex now?

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