ten ❝the tent❞

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harry: lilaaaa i'm scaredddd

you: too bad

harry: you are really mean,
you know that, right???

you: heard about it a couple
of times lol

harry: pleaseeeseeee

you: 🙄 fine, where are you?

harry: when she secretly cares 🥺

you: don't push it, where are you?

harry: i'm in a tent

you: great description!!!

harry: in a big tent where all the
champions are supposed to be.

you: coming

harry: that's what she said

"harry?" lila whispered from the other side of the curtain.

"lila?" harry whisper-yelled. "where are you?"

"other side of the curtain!"

harry tiptoed to the curtains and saw the outline of lila on the other side of the fabric.

"what are you doing here?" harry asked, confused that lila showed up.

"what do you mean by 'what are you doing here.' " lila mimicked his voice. "you asked me to be here, dipshit."

"yeah well i didn't think you would come!" harry whisper-yelled again.

"yeah yeah, any way you seem stressed. so like, concentrate or something like that." lila said, picking at her nails.

"oh i would love to concentrate." harry started. "but i am about to battle a fucking dragon!"

"sucks to be you lol"

there was a silence which got interrupted by lila jumping out of the curtain and attacking harry in a hug. harry stumbled a few steps back then hugging her back.

the hug got shortened by a big flash which made the two jump apart from each other.

"oh young love!" a woman entered the tent.

lila knew who it was. "rita skeeter." she glared at the woman.

"yup, that's me!" she giggled, writing something down in her notepad.

rita looked up and gasped. "oh my!- lila black and the chosen one! you will definitely make the front cover!" she said excitedly.

"it's lila lupin-black but whatever." lila rolled her eyes.

"oh she is sassy! i love it." rita laughed.

"you have no business being here." said a voice filled with anger.

rita raised her eyebrows and turned around to see viktor krum crossing his arms.

fleur then spoke up. "this tent is for champions -- and friends." she winked at lila.

"oh, oh well. i got what i needed anyway." rita shrugged with annoyance in her voice, then walking away.

"thank you guys." lila breathed out to viktor and fleur.

"anytime." fleur smiled. while viktor nodded.

dumbledore walked in and looked around the room until his eyes landed on lila.

"miss. lupin-black, what are you doing here?" dumbledore asked.

lila awkwardly smiled while harry nudged lila which made lila to punch him.

"oh um." lila burned a slight shade of red. "just congratulating the tournament members you know"

"well, the first task is about to start so i would recommend leaving." dumbledore said.

lila gave fleur a quick hug. viktor a salute which made him furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

lila spotted cedric so she hugged him and was about to walk out until she turned around to see harry pouting.

lila rolled her eyes playfully and went to give harry a hug.

they pulled away until lila started leaning in which made harry close his eyes and pucker his lips.

lila swerved around and planted a kiss on harry's cheek instead.

"you really thought hoe." lila laughed, while harry furrowed his eyebrows playfully.

"adios!" lila saluted to eveyone and walked to the stands.

"maybe i might get my galleons after all." dumbledore said, raising his eyebrows and taking a sip from his tea.

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