thirty ❝coming of age❞

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billius changed the group name to 'the coolest fivth years'

mione: first off, it's spelled
"fifth" not "fivth" 🤦‍♀️

mione changed to group name to 'the coolest fifth years + ron"

mione: second off, we
aren't even in fifth year

billius: but you already
know we are going to be
the coolest fifth years 😎

mione: sure...

mione: do you know where
lila and harry are???

billius: probably snogging,
they haven't stopped since
last night when they became
"friends with benefits"

you: no i am not snogging
harry 🙄 i am with cho and
fleur right now ‼️

harry: they better not try
to do anything >:(

you: they won't, sadly 💔

mione: last day of fourth
year everyone...

mione: everything's going
to change now, right?

billius: no, it's not like there
is a 700 year old dark wizard
trying to come for harry.

billius: everything is going
to say the same herion 🙄

billius: before we leave, i
need do this.

billius: i wake up and look to
the side of my bed and see that
i am late to class, i jump out of
bed and put my blonde hair in
a messy bun. i run to class and
snape yells at me. i get onto my
knees and start sobbing. "HEY"
a voice yells. "DONT YELL AT
HER!" i look up to see dracetus
malfetus. he kills snape and comes
to my side and starts kissing me.
our tongues fighting for dominance.
"i love you y/n" "i love you too dracetus."
"will you marry me emily?" "of course"
"thank you mary."

billius: sorry, got a little too
caught up in this.

you: this is what i'm going
to siriusly miss.

harry: HAHAHA


mione: you ppls sense of humor
is really bad.

mione: anywayss . viktor
wanted to say goodbye to
me ☺️

billius: dude...

harry: let's all meet out in
the front and we will say
our goodbyes and share
some kisses <3

you: bet

you are offline

billius: bleh

"i feel like i'm in a coming of age movie." lila sighed, while swinging around a pillar.

"a coming of age movie with a bad ending." hermione butted in, jogging up to lilas side.

"are we ever going to have a quiet year at hogwarts." ron chuckled, hopping of the a ledge.

"do we ever?" lila laughed.

the three began walking while hermione stayed back for a bit.

"no ones filming you, stop pretending your in an outro for a movie." ron yelled.

hermione rolled her eyes and caught up to the three. "promise you'll all write this summer? all three of you."

"i won't." ron laughed. "you know i won't." (hint: he actually wrote to her)

hermione rolled her eyes. "gingers always have the most to say. but lila and harry. you'll write to me, won't you?"

"probably," harry chuckled. "unless i get attacked by a much of dementors and get expelled or something."

hermione smacked harry's side. "don't jinx it!"

"it won't happen hermione." harry grumbled.

"real talk," lila started. "why would we send letters when we have messages?"

"if you care about me then you will send letters to me." hermione said sternly.

"then i guess i don't care about you."

"then i guess no more answers to the homework."

"NO, i'll actually write to you everyday!" lila smiled innocently.


the four of them kept walking until harry grabbed lilas hand and let ron and hermione keep on walking.

"i need to get a last kiss since we can't do these stuff in front of remus and sirius." harry frowned.

"be patient—"

without warning harry twisted lila around and kissed her. his hands wrapped around lilas waist.

"stop kissing and let's pretend we're in a coming of age movie!" ron shouted.

the two split apart and blushed. then they both jogged to the ledge of the castle where they saw a beautiful view.

"can i input my opinion?" lila asked, facing the three who were looking at the view.



ron and hermione looked at harry like he was an idiot for letting lila speak her mind.

"fine, go on." hermione raised her eyebrows, waiting for lilas opinion.

"barty crouch is actually—"


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