twenty five ❝bitchy amos❞

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um suprise...  not edited lol

shut up bitch

you: why is amos
diggory SO FINE

mione: ma'am-

billius: NO BC I THOUGHT

harry: where even ARE

you: meeting amos

you: i don't know where
cedrics mom is though 🤔

billius: conspiracy theory:
amos diggory and gilderoy
lockhart conceived cedric

billius: DON'T THEY

you: aren't they brothers?

mione is offline

harry: when she's
smart 😩‼️

you: #gamos 🥺😆😜

you: WAIT NO #GAYmos get
it since there like gay LOL

billius: HAHAHAHAH

harry: i am about to piss
myself but i can't because
i have to get out on the field
in about 5 minutes

you: well then get ready
because you don't to be
a piss baby


harry: the only thing that will
ruin my mood is not winning
this tournament. so let's go
boysssss 👺😈‼️

harry: i don't even know
where i am ‼️

billius: yhu got this my g, my
thriller, my brother from
another mother 🥶💯😈

you: the brother who doesn't
have a mother 👺😩‼️

you are offline

"and then we won 6000 galleons!"

lila nodded, uninterested in what amos diggory was saying.

"come on dad, you're just embarrassing me." cedric mumbled. "she obviously doesn't care what you're saying."

"she obviously does! right lillian?" amos smiled brightly towards lila.

"sir- that's not my name."

amos ignored lilas remark and chuckled while patting lila on the back harshly.

lila hissed and rubbed her back while cedric was trying to pull his dad away.

"lila?" a voice said. "what are you doing here?"

lila turned around and saw harry and she immediately leaped into his arms.

"if you win this you are going to make 1,000 galleons. so win this. no pressure i guess"

amos chuckled behind them. "it's obvious that my cedric boy is going to win."

"dad." cedric begged.

"no," amos furrowed his eyebrows. "these two kids should know their place."

"sir you look like a hot potato. stop talking" lila laughed, which resulted in harry elbowing her.

"well then lilliana-"

"not my name-"

"i don't care." amos said harshly. while cedric was trying to look anywhere but the commotion.

"my little boy cedric will win this since he's not a cheat-"

"harry's not a cheat." lila groaned. "how much information do you take in with that pea size brain of yours?"

while lila and amos were arguing, harry used a summoning charm to summon a pink sippy cup with pumpkin juice.

"well at least if your 'cedric boy' will win this you can be a sugar daddy-"

"okay! okay." fleurs voice was heard in the background.

viktor stepped in, next to fleur "the champions are going to be called out now so i suggest lila and amos should leave."

"i am not leaving my baby boy cedric." amos argued. "i will be walking out with him!"

"dad what the fuck."

"you do you." viktor rolled his eyes. "but lila should go back to the stands."

"i was going to anyway." lila mumbled. "i don't have time to argue with this man who has a crush on his son."

"i do not have a crush on my son you silly girl!"

she waved goodbye to cedric since she didn't have much time to go and hug him and on the way out she gave harry another tight hug.

"win this."

harry winked at her and lila walked out to the seats ginny miller style.

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