twenty four ❝tournament things❞

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probably a bunch of mistakes lol

harry created a chat with you, dean, mione, billius, and hot stuff

kill snape

harry: hello

dean: hakuna matata

mione: that means
no worries

billius: YO??? IS THIS

hot stuff: hello everyone,
may i ask why i got added
into a random group. again?

you: be grateful that you
are added into a group.
we are the funnest ppl

hot stuff: that's not a word

you: cope

dean: die

you: ok

dean: eat glass

you: your mom

dean: your not swag

you: cry

billius: damn, those are all
the comebacks i use for the
tom stans

hot stuff: YOU FIGHT TOM

billius: YES !!!

billius: her my kneeee, seems
unlikely but she likes meeee

hot stuff: under the whomping
willow PALMMM treeee

mione: what???

you: xjcdkf

harry: i was talking...

harry: anyways, i feel like
something is up with the

dean: what this gotta do
with me?

you: and me

mione: and me

billius: and me

harry: like yk, something
is definitely rigged. mad
eye is sus.

you: you just noticed? cant
he like look through students
clothes or something 😳

dean: damn where did he get
the eye from??? for scientific
reason of course 🙄

hot stuff: harry you are stressing
too much... nothing is rigged.
dumbledie won't let that happen

hot stuff: dumbledore ***

mione: yeah what cedric said

dean: still wondering what this
gotta do with me 😳

harry: i thought you said you
were going to be the cheerleader
for the third task ... ??? !!!

dean: oh yeah forgot ::: && $$$ ...
!!! ''' ??? [[[ }}} |||

hot stuff: is that even allowed???

mione: FINALLY!!! someone
said it. half the things they do
are not even allowed 🙄

you: and i care becauseeee

billius: hermione stop being
such a suck-up. it's really

mione: i'm trying to keep you
people out of trouble and you
call me annoying???

dean: i mean ... that's exactly
what he said.

mione: i'm not talking to you!

harry: do you know what vibes
this gives me???

billius: well if you think about
it hermione. you are the reason
that we don't have any fun.

billius: dean just wants to be a a
cheerleader while your just being
rude. like let him do what he wants

dean: fr like this lady is crushing
my dreams. is it because i am
gay? is it because i am hot? is it
because i am better than everyone
else? just because i am hot, hot, and
hot, does not give me a right to be
mean to me.

you: ^^^

mione: actually! i think because
of me. you three haven't died yet

hot stuff: is this what happens

harry: basically.

dean: it's not too bad. i need
to add someone else for it to
have a little more spice

dean added string cheese


dean: it don't bite

mione: ew what is malfoy doing

string idk

hot stuff: i'm getting a headache
with all these people here. i'm

hot stuff: bye lila

hot stuff is offline


harry: WHY DEAN  

dean: idk

dean: now fix this dilemma

string cheese:  just die. it helps.

billius: thanks

mione: what?

string cheese is offline

authors note !
sorry for not
updating faster 😬

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