nineteen ❝tea?❞

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are you even suprised anymore, it's not edited.


you: i'm in detention so
i guess i can't help you
w the second task :(

fleur: how did you get
into detention AGAIN?

you: don't worry about
it sweetheart 😜

fleur: i am concerned for
you, how do you keep on
getting detentions???

you: bitch i'm a big gangsta-

you: jk, snape literally just
hates me so he just gives me
detentions all the time since
he has nothing else to do lol

fleur: may i ask why does
snape hate you so much?

you: because i am a child
of two people he hates the
most and he can't let go of
a grudge...

you: lol

you: help it's so hot in here

fleur: i wish i could help,
but my sister gabrielle is
in the hospital wing.

you: it's ok. i understand. she
is funnier, she is skinnier she
is prettier. don't worry. i would
not choose me either...

fleur: isn't that a tiktok

you: no

fleur: i think that is, i
saw that same audio
on my fyp.

you: get some rest...

fleur: no but i swear on
everything that i saw the
same audio!

you: lol no you didn't.

you: anyways good luck
on the second task !!!

fleur: thank you. but i
am pretty sure that is a
tiktok sound.

you are offline

"that's definetly a tiktok sound..." said a voice behind lila.

lila jumped out of her seat and turned around to see fred and george.

"how did you get into this classroom? snape put a charm in this room."

"don't underestimate us," fred started.

"we know every nook and cranny of this school." george finished, sitting on the desk next to lila.

lila raised her eyebrows. "you better teach me some day."

"oh we will." george laughed. "so tell me now, why are you in detention?"

"snapes a bitch."

"understandable." fred nodded his head. "well i think you got into more trouble since mcgonagall wants you in her office."

"what? nonono. this is going to be my fifth detention! and when i have five detentions mcgonagall will tell remus!" lila panicked.

"you have already got four detentions?!" george asked.

"yes. and it's going to be five-"

"aw you're following in our footsteps." fred pouted.

"is that a good thing or bad thing?-" before lila could finish the door to the classroom opened up.

"what're you two doing here?" a monotone voice spoke.

"mcgonagall actually wanted lila to come to her office." george stood up from his desk.

"are you sure? or are you just trying to get black out of detention?"

"that's not even my last name anymore." lila muttered slumping in her seat.

"nope, mcgonagall actually want lupin-black to go to her office." fred said.

snape glared at the two boys. "okay. you may leave black."

lila not wanting to get anymore detentions kept her mouth shut while walking out of snapes classroom with fred and george beside her.

"what a bitch." george rolled his eyes finally out of snapes classroom.

"here we are!" fred announced, finally at mcgonagalls office.

"and if you are in trouble we will block the owlery so that mcgonagall can't get to remus." george laughed.

"they still have phone dumbass-" lila was cut off by mcgonagall opening the door.

"ah here you are!" mcgonagall smiled. "don't worry you are not in trouble."

lila sighed in relief and looked back at fred and george but they were gone.

"come in." mcgonagall led lila into her office where she saw hermione, cho, and ron.

lila sat next to hermione and whispered. "what are we doing here."

"i have no clue." hermione whispered back.

"we have everybody!" mcgonagall cheered. "a sip of tea anyone?"

"what type of tea is it?" ron asked.

"you just have to try it." mcgonagall shrugged.

"lila you try it first." ron said.

"how about on the count of three everyone tries it." cho tried to reason.

"good idea." hermione smiled.

everyone took their cup of tea while hermione started counted down.

"three. two. one."

lila took a sip of her tea and then everything went black.

authors note !
lol been a while since i last updated.
anywayssss you knowhow gabrielle
was fleurs treasure. yeah she's sick
and we are more important then her
sooo i guess we are the the treasure lolz.

ALSO on tiktok auroraaapotter
made an edit of lila and harry
so everyone go check that out!!
her wattpad is @-auras i don't
even know if that showed up
lol but go check it out!!!

again lila does not have a faceclaim
but they just used lily for it!

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