twenty ❝mermaid shit❞

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supriseeee not edited again lol

"do you know where lila is? i want to get a kiss from her."

"just stop." mad-eye groaned. "focus on your task."

"damn chill, i just wanted a kiss-woahh!"

the canons fired and may-eyes pushed harry into the black lake.

"why he fall like that." dean laughed.

"what you think is the matter with him." seamus asked looking into the lake seeing no sign of harry potter.

"i dunno." dean shrugged and popped a bottle of coke.

"oh my god! i have killed harry potter!" neville said worriedly.

"voldys definitely proud." dean spoke while taking a sip from his coke.

"can i have some?" seamus asked.



"ok focus on whoever i need to find." harry said to himself.

harry swam through the plants and fishes and saw fleur in front of him.

"heyyyy fleur- oh." harry spoke while seeing fleur get dragged out of his view.

meanwhile, onshore dumbledore announced that fleur would not take part in the task anymore.

dramatic music started playing while harry tried to navigate his way through the plants.

"where the hell did this music come from."

harry pushed through the plants until he saw four floating bodies.

"is that ariel- shoot that's ron!" harry exclaimed to himself while swimming toward the four bodies.

harry took rons face in his hands then went down the unwrap the rope from rons legs.

harry heard screaming but focused on unwrapping ron until he heard screaming again. he looked up and saw cedric swimming to cho.

cedric took his wand and gestured it to his watch. harry nodded and watched cedric swim away with cho.

"lucky bitch."

harry returned his attention to ron but heard yelling again. he looked to his side to see viktor swimming fastly towards him. harry ducked to try to avoid getting hit.

viktor took hermiones hand with his shark teeth and swam upwards.

"he only knew hermione for like 2 days. how bad is his social life." harry thought to himself.

he went to unwrap ron and was about to swim up until he saw another body.

"lila! shit." harry exclaimed. he looked around to see if any of the mermaids or those things were coming and swam to get lila.

he successfully got the rope off of lilas feet and tried to take both ron and lila to shore, but instead, those mermaid things got him.

"not you again." harry groaned while squirming to get out of the merpeople's grip, but failed.

harry pushed lila and ron to shore while still trying to get out of the merpeople's grip.


now lilas pov lol

lila eyes shot opened coughing like crazy and trying to catch air.

"oh my god- AHH- oh wait it's just you ron."

"thanks." ron coughed.

ron and lila and swam to the dock where there was fleur holding out her hand trying to reach lila and pulled her onto the dock.

"what - about - me." ron said in between coughs.

lila held a hand out to ron who was climbing up the stairs but he missed lilas hand and fell back into the water.

"eh he will figure it out." lila said while fleur wrapped a towel around her.

fleur kept the towel wrapped around lila while they walked to the center of the dock.

"thank you-oh my god!"

lila looked to her side and saw harry on the floor next to her. she bent down and took the towel around her and wrapped it around harry.

"get another towel dean!" seamus yelled while putting another towel around harry.

dean took another sip of his coke. which made seamus glare at him

"ok ok!" dean put his hands up in surrender.

"are you alright?" lila said whilst hugging harry. "you must be freezing!"

"i finished last lila." harry spoke disappointment in his voice.

"attentionnnnnnnnn!" dumbledore yelled.

"i don't have any time to listen to this old man." lila groaned.

"he is our headmaster lila." hermione shook lilas shoulders.

"i don't care."

"the winner is -- mr. diggory!" cheers echoed throughout the dock while cedrics patted his back.

"but!" dumbledore began. "since harry not only brought mr. weasley he also brought ms. black. so we have agreed to award him second place!"

"yes!" ron and hermione cheered and people in the stands.

"second place!" lila hugged harry.

"wow!" harry tried to say but lila was squeezing him tightly. "a lot of hugs!"

"i guess it's your lucky day." lila smiled and patted harrys head.

"c'mon lila!" ginny pulled lilas arm. "we need to get cleaned."

"wait!" harry pulled lilas other arm. "i want a kiss."

lila pursed her lips together and went to harry to kiss him on the cheek.

"just the cheek?" harry pouted.

"you get what you get and you don't get upset." lila flicked harrys head.

"hey hermione can i get one?" ron asked.


authors note !

lol who is gabrielle again?

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