twenty seven ❝maze shit pt. 2❞

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kill snape + draco

draco: you think these
bitches have been gone
for a long time or is it
just me lol?

draco: not that i'm worried
of course. i would never be
worried for these filthy
blood traitors

dean: seems like you got
a little crush or something

NOW ( please don't cancel me )

billius: guys, they are in
this group chat.

billius: HELLO HARRY

billius: HARRY

mione: i'm scared, it's
getting really dark

draco: suck it up mudblood

you: die

you: just try not to worry,
think of something happy

you: like us successfully
eliminating all the tom stans

dean: thank you for

billius: CEDRIC

billius: HARRY

harry: hwlp

dean: same

mione: are you daft? he is
calling for help!

draco: i say let it die

you: um did i just hear
a scream ahhahahahah

lila abruptly looked up from her phone as she heard the feminine scream and whipped her head to hermione and ron.

"this is not normal." ron awkwardly chuckled.

hermione smacked ron on the head with a newspaper roll.

"you think?"

lila bounced up and down in her seat while tapping her foot on the floor anxiously.

another 10 minutes went by and another scream was let out. but this time it wasn't fleur's.

kill snape + draco

draco: this don't sit
right with me lol

you: oh wow you think
you really fucking think

harry: HEEOXIP

dean: why did i laugh


mione: you just have to

draco: no

draco is offline

billius: cedric hasn't said
anything though-

billius; isn't that a little
fishy, or is it just me.

mione: because cedric isn't
dumb like harry and he won't
use his phone in a middle of a

you: just wait, we might
just be overthinking haha

dean: AGREED

another 40 minutes went by and to say that lila was worried would be an understatement.

"is that harry?" hermione asked standing up slowly from her seat.

"what?" lilas attention went to harry who was and holding someone.

"he's back! finally, i was getting hungry." ron breathed out.

everyone laughed and cheered, happy that the two made it back safe.

that until fleur let out a ear piercing scream as she put her hand over her mouth.

the whole crowd stopped and looked at harry dropping to to floor with cedrics body.

he wasn't moving.

lila, ron, and hermione stopped and just stared at the scene.

dumbledore got up from his seat and rushed to harry's side and tried to pull him off cedric.

"no! no!" harry screamed latching on to cedric.

lila felt like she was stuck. her throat was closing and she couldn't move.

"for merlins sake, what happened?!" cornelius fudge asked.

"he's back! he's back!" harry sobbed even more. "voldemort he's back! i couldn't leave him there, not there?"

"let me through!" amos diggory exclaimed, pushing everybody out of the way. "let me through... that's my son! that's my boy!"

"it's alright, it's alright." ron patted lilas head, not knowing what to do.

hermione on the other hand just rubbed circles on lilas back as the three watched mad eye moody lead harry back into the tournaments booth. (i think that's the name idk)

kill snape + draco

draco: yikes

authors note !
literally i started
laughing help

i don't really know
how to describe death
scenes lol.

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